Zinev Art Technologies

Name of the person involved in the event:
Miglena Molhova

Date of the event:
06 September 2014 - 10 September 2014

Type of Dissemination event:
Training Seminar

Description of Dissemination Event:
Miglena Molhova was the trainer at a training seminar targeted at unemployed people. She presented the current developments under the Goerudio project, showing possibilities for developing a better education process in the field of sciences.

Target group:

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria)

Outcomes and Results:
Since the target group of the training seminar were mostly long-term unemployed people it is not expected the presentation of the project to have a wide impact, though some of them were teachers and experts in their fields.

Supporting Documents: