TRANSFER Slovensko, s.r.o.

Name of the person involved in the event:
Juraj Dúbrava,

Date of the event:
15 October 2014 - 15 October 2014

Type of Dissemination event:
National Meeting

Description of Dissemination Event:
Meeting in National Institute for Education in Bratislava with doc. PaedDr. Viliam Kratochvíl, PhD., directorabout Goerudio project. NIE include addressing the curricular changes, applied educational research, professional and methodological advice, experimental verification, pilot training projects, reforms and changes in the content of education, the State guarantees of training programs, departmental research, professional and methodological management of schools in particular the creation of school educational programs, preparation of pedagogical documentation for schools and school facilities in the field of education and training of teaching staff.

Target group:
Public Bodies

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Bratislava (Slovakia)

Outcomes and Results:
Information about Goerudio project

Supporting Documents: