Zinev Art Technologies

Name of the person involved in the event:
Zornitsa Staneva

Date of the event:
08 April 2015 - 09 April 2015

Type of Dissemination event:
Training Seminar

Description of Dissemination Event:
Zornitsa Staneva was the main lecturer at a 2 day training seminar in project management and implementation. During her presentation she presented the Goerudio project and its developments, partnership, results to the audience as an example of ZAT's project activities.
Brochures of the Goerudio project were disseminated.

Target group:
General Public
Public Bodies
Training Agencies

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Outcomes and Results:
People were satisfied from the event. We believe this event may broaden the target users of the Goerudio portal.

Supporting Documents: