TRANSFER Slovensko, s.r.o.

Name of the person involved in the event:
Juraj Dúbrava, Vlasta Dúbravová, Alena Baerčáková

Date of the event:
03 November 2015 - 03 November 2015

Type of Dissemination event:
National Meeting

Description of Dissemination Event:
This dissemination event was held on Vocational secondary car school Jána Jonáša in Bratislava and was about information Goerudio project, project leaflet distribution and discussion about activities which can help this school to be more effective in education of scientific topics. This school is involved in many other project as STEP AHEAD and prepare new textbooks and new teachers in scientific topics. All information about Goerudio project are very useful for this school.

Target group:

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Bratislava (Slovakia)

Outcomes and Results:
Information about the project, new contacts and project leaflet distribution.

Supporting Documents: