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Date: 2014.11.09
Posted by Viera Kolbaska (Slovakia)
Author's experience is significant from the point of view of motivation and linking the mathematics and acquired pupils’ competences from mathematics with a normal life of the pupils. Searching for "things around us" from the mathematics’ view clarifies the process of formation of concepts, definitions and sentences in mathematics to student. This will allow them to understand that the formula originated as dependencies between different variables directly from everyday life to solve practical problems.
• Does this experience explain the causes of students’ low motivation to learn science subjects?
This experience clearly defines why students do not have relation to that subject matter – they do not see the practical use and the roots of developing the particular relations.
• Does this experience offer possible solution to overcome this low motivation?
In my opinion, yes, the author activates pupils in a way that allows them to see mathematical objects in everyday life.
• Do you have a similar experience?
Yes, I have a similar experience; students in groups were creating parts of the town from mathematical objects (they planned parks, roads, residential areas, shopping centers from bodies of various shapes, which they had created themselves).
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