Title of Initiative / Project
Name of Organiser
Katedra didaktiky fyziky Matematicko-fyzikálnej fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Prahe
Start and ending date of the Initiative
since 1991
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology
Language of the deliverable
Other EU
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The Heureka project originated "from below" on the initiative of several teachers who were "tired of teaching physics with only a chalk and a blackboard." In the recent years the project attracted an interest of many other people and is growing significantly. Their common goal is to change the nature of teaching physics in a way that it would become more appealing and contain more links to the daily lives of students. Project offers students an interesting way of learning physics, more permanent acquisition of knowledge as well as the ability to use these information to solve problems and develop not only knowledge but also skills and attitudes. To the physics teachers project offers a number of seminars, which aim not only on the expertise and methodology sides, but moreover provide also a platform for meetings, mutual assistance, cooperation and building interpersonal "network" in the broadest sense. Participation in all seminars is offered to the participants free of charge. It requires, however, "the willingness to think about physics, about children and sometimes about themselves, active work and interest in the matter
More Information
Reports from the various activities organized by the project appear on the website
Contributions from conferences “Dílny Heuréky”, held annually for 12 years, are very useful source of expertise knowledge about current trends in Physics teaching, especially in the Czech Republic for Physics teachers. All the collections (with several reports in English), together with other useful materials (articles and reports of lecturers and interviews with them) are available at
Display of a useful help to teachers of Physics at the elementary school is an example of the teaching methodology for the theme of electromagnetism by I. KOUDELKOVÁ, available at
http://kdf.mff.cuni.cz/heureka/puvodni-web/Clanky/Heureka_Elektromagnetismus.htm in which the author is proposing a specific sequence of experiments, tasks and suggestions for students, as well as a number of practical insights and advices for teachers.
Teachers’ Opinion
strength of the project - improving the teaching of Physics in a playful way, permanent knowledge
• it can be used in Physics class at our vocational school
• it is suitable for all students
Students’ Opinion
• interesting way of learning Physics
• like this heuristic teaching method
• it could be used for almost everything in Physics
• it opens the gate of knowledge to students, it is teaching them to see many physical phenomena, students, among others, learn to find and defend their opinions
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