Title of Initiative / Project
Let's click!
Name of Organiser
Aruküla Basic School
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Comenius Multilateral Partnership
Title of the project
Aruküla Basic School
Project number
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology
Language of the deliverable
Polish, Other EU, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The aim of the project is to increase interest in and motivation to learn Natural Science subjects by combining them with Art and Crafts as well as IT subjects. Therefore the informal interpretation of project Let´s Click! would be „to become friendly“. The idea behind it is to combine two different dimensions at one go: operating something by pressing buttons and making friends in the process, and for us it is also an invitation to cooperate by boldly using the advantages of IT media, which is surely going to evoke pupils' enthusiasm towards Natural Science. At the same time, it is the first step in learning about and making friends with the project partners. The outcomes of the project (e.g. animations, films, games, Quiz, flashcards, models, e-books, an online dictionary, etc.) in aspect to Environmental protection, Natural Processes and Important Discoveries in Science and of Famous Scientists will enrich the lessons of Natural Science and make them much more attractive to pupils. We will also produce a calendar with input from all partners. All these products will benefit the pupils by them taking ownership of the material, the staff by trying new, non traditional formats to exhibit pupils' work and our European partners by enabling each one to have a new perspective on countries which are part of our mutual home - the European Union. At the same time it will provide an experience of different cultures, habits and traditions along with the ability to cooperate in international context for both pupils (aged 7-17) and teachers. The staff may also become a lot more motivated in increasing their language capacity and IT skills as well as finding more stimulation to use their inner creativity in every aspect of teaching and learning
More Information
Could be interesting for students because it involves their own action and creation of materials in learning Science. It could be possible to compose sophisticated training materials specific to the theme. I would recommend future science teachers during their studies to develop such materials as the course or diploma.
Teachers’ Opinion
Interesting approach. It is useful for project-week mission in the form of the general education system, then it is time for this kind of activity. Teaching materials are involved in the drafting of the students themselves. Thereby skills and abilities formed the same performers. Teachers can use as a lesson illustration, in the summary of the theme final.
Students’ Opinion
Interestind and creative way of learning. It could be more interesting and fun. But I can agree, it is not always possible to understand complex topics by making movies.
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.03.18
Posted by Kamila Pawenta (Polska)
I guess there is no website of the project. It is hard to get any further information and results in the internet.