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Date: 2015.10.14
Posted by:
Viera Kolbaska - viera.kolbaska@gmail.com (Slovakia)
Resource presents the way how to demonstrate symmetry of plane and spatial bodies. It starts with the discussion on topic “What we can see and what are the features that”. Author uses PC – constructing of symmetrical graphics, presentation of garden with symmetrical formations. Later pupils themselves construct models of their own garden. This activity can connect work of teachers of biology, informatics, art education, technical education and math.
If this activity would be realised as a block curriculum (Dalton Plan) in which teachers of several subjects – biology (garden), informatics (simulation of garden using PC), art education (creation of plane and spatial symmetrical formations) and math (calculation of expenditures needed for the garden, product) would work together, it could connect these subjects in a great way by using real life example.
I will use this resource; however I will have to adapt it to electrotechnical focus of our school. We will not work with garden, but we will create model of working arrangement of IT worker.
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This model can help the s......
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