"Modern not only in the natural sciences" Project |
ZŠ Letohrad, Komenského 269 |
3E's e- counting, e-culture, e-communictions |
Dun Guzepp Zerafa primary Schoo |
A measurement instruments and protection of relay |
A statistic and scientific research on biodiversity |
Ies Manuel De Falla |
Ampere and the history of the electricity |
Christine Blondel |
Animated science |
VIA University College |
Archi - Let’s Soft IT! |
National College Iasi |
Archipelago of mathematics |
Politechnika Warszawska |
Arguing for multilingual motivation in web 2.0 |
University of Paisley Glasgow |
Biosphere project |
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado (INTEF) |
Bulgarian national educational portal |
Bulgarian ministry of education and science |
Chemical engineering equipment and processes |
Chemistry – I know, I can, I understand |
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities |
Chemistry sk |
Občianske združenie veda.sk |
Chimicamente |
University of Genova |
Chimicare |
Associazione Culturale Chimicare |
Circle of physics |
Katedra didaktiky fyziky Matematicko-fyzikálnej fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Prahe |
cMinds |
University of Thessaly |
Compete for the Heyrovsky Cup |
National institut for chidren and youth in Prague |
Computer based exercise generation and evaluation system for mathematics, physics and chemistry subjects |
Data Pro Group Ltd |
Computer-Based Math |
Computerised laboratory in science and technology teaching - ComLab-1 and ComLab-2 |
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education |
Connecting educational communities through ICT |
E.E.I. Zaleo |
Connecting Europe through mathematics developing new teaching strategies |
Escola Sadako |
COSMOS: An advanced scientific repository for
science teaching and learning |
International Environment and
Quality Services S.A. |
Cyberteacher |
Paolo Cutini |
Datalogging as innovative learning tool |
VIA University College |
Developing teachers´ skills on coaching, e-environments and entrepreneurship (E-DECO) |
HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences |
Development and aprobation of continuing education programme “Biology teacher professional development” |
University of Latvia |
Development and implementation of comprehensive programme of work with talented students |
Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji |
Didactic magazine of teachers of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics |
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafrika v Košiciach, Prírodovedecká fakulta
v spolupráci s: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky , Metodicko-pedagogické centrum, Bratislava |
Didactical resources |
Dienneti. Didactic and new technologies |
Marzia Fontana |
Digital identity: Mentoring interPAIRS for employment |
IES Sant Vicent Ferrer |
Discovering with Tadeo |
Mediaset España, Lightbox Entertainment and El Señor Studio |
DO.RE.MAT. Decrease Obstacles RElated to MAthematics Teaching |
ENFAP Emilia Romagna |
Dynamat: Dynamical and creative mathematics using ICT |
University of Pisa (IT) |
E-experience in physics |
Politechnika Gdańska |
E-handbooks for general education |
Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji |
E-Teacher of Environment. Integrated learning environment for the development of scientific thinking, information literacy and language skills of pupils at II and III stage |
Adam Mickiewicz University |
E-textbook - the future of school begins today |
Young Digital Planet S.A. |
E-training microsystems technologies - mSysTech |
"Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques, UPB-CETTI |
EAA - The development and use of ''Skills'' (language skills) in teaching physics and chemistry |
The project was carried out with the support of MNI-Fonds für Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung
S2 "Grundbildung und Standards" (MNI - Funds for development of teaching and schools, S2 ''Basic education and standards'' |
Eco is echoing |
Ceib Arteaga |
Ecology project - innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum of mathematics and natural science basing on project method |
Dobre Kadry. Centrum badawczo - szkoleniowe sp. z o.o. |
Ecology united:all people for an open and rich Europe |
Colegio La Inmaculada Misioneras Seculares de Jesús Obrero |
Education in a Virtual World (E-VIWO) |
Vocational Collage of Ostrobothnia |
Educational robotics for students with learning disabilities |
Nottingham Trent University |
Educational website "Teacher at home" |
Generalitat Valenciana. Consellería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte |
Educational website UCHA SE |
Team of young people and teachers. Some of the names are: Darin Madjarov, Nikolaj Jejnov, Maria Nikolova |
eKabinet. cz |
Edulogy, s.r.o. |
Electric power plant operation |
Energy and employability - Local solutions for new challenges |
Ies Rabida |
ENGINEER: brEaking New Ground In the SciencE Education Realm |
Bloomfield Science Museum |
Eniscuola |
Essediquadro – SD^2 |
Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (Institute for the Didactic Technologies) |
ESTABLISH (European science and technology in action building links with industry, schools and home) |
Dublin City University, Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning |
Establishment of sectoral qualification system and increasing of vocational education quality and effectiveness |
State Education Development Agency |
eÚlohy. cz |
EDULOGY, s.r.o. |
EuroGIS-GPS: Testing a competency framework for biodiversity data collection |
Ambios Ltd |
European researchers' night |
Research Executive Agency (REA) |
European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) |
European Space Agency |
Experiment is the future of education - an innovative training program in secondary schools in Elblag |
Gmina Miasto Elbląg |
Exploring innovative and creative ways of teaching using new tools and methods- ETM |
CPI O Cruce |
FameLab |
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) y el British Council |
FECYT Scientific film program |
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) |
Fostering students' competences in the field of science and technology with the use of innovative methods and technologies - EDUSCIENCE |
Instytut Geofizyki PAN |
Galileo Museum |
Museo Galileo - Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza |
GEI - Games, Experiments, Ideas |
Unità di Ricerca in Didattica della Fisica dell'Università di Udine |
GeoCapabilities 2: Teachers as curriculum leaders |
Institute of Education, London |
GEOschools-teaching geosciences in secondary schools |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
GeoThink |
National Technical University Of Athens |
Goerudio |
Latvian Education foundation |
GOLAB-Global online science labs |
University of Twente |
Hands-on approach to analytical chemistry for vocational schools II |
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology |
Heuréka |
Katedra didaktiky fyziky Matematicko-fyzikálnej fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Prahe |
How to motivate students through engaging science activities |
Centro de Formación del Profesorado. Generalitat Valenciana |
Museo delle Scienze in Trento |
I@PHT (Internet @ided Physics Teaching) |
D. Allasia, C. Marino, V. Montel, G. Rinaudo, Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale, University of Torino |
ICT for innovative science teachers |
Osrodek Edukacji Informatycznej i Zastosowan Komputerów |
ICT in the teaching of mathematics and science subjects in secondary schools |
Samorząd Województwa Podlaskiego |
Implementation of international guidelines for welded structural designer training |
National R&D Institute for Welding and Material Testing ISIM Timisoara |
Implementing Creative strategies into
Science Teaching (CREAT-IT) |
Stord/Haugesund University College
(Høgskolen Stord Haugesund) |
Improving educational effectiveness |
University of Kragujevac |
Increasing employability of students in vocational training at European level using ICT |
IES Sant Vicent Ferrer |
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Slovak Republic |
inGenious-Shaping the future of maths and science education |
European Schoolnet |
InnoMathEd - Innovations in Mathematics Education on European level |
University of Augsburg |
Innovative 3D training platform for recycling of waste electric and electronic devices |
EU-Centralised Projects |
Innovative teaching of mathematics and the creation of the SEP at the 2nd level of primary schools |
Dr. Josef Raabe Slovensko, s.r.o.
Odborné nakladateľstvo
Člen skupiny Klett |
Ins and outs of the magic Möbius strip |
Colegiul National Moise Nicoara |
Inspiring new scientists through investigations, challenge and teamwork |
Norfolk County Council, Norwich |
Inspiring science education |
INTRASOFT International |
Interactive computer-supported activities as a means of key and subject competencies of secondary school students and their implementation in teaching physics |
Ústav fyzikálnych vied PF UPJŠ Košice |
Samodzielne Koło Terenowe Nr 64 Społecznego Towarzystwa Oświatowego |
Interesting Chemistry Academy |
University of Lodz, Faculty of Chemistry |
ITEMS (Improving Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science) |
Joint Science Education Project (JSEP) |
Arctic Research Consortium of the United States |
K.I.S.S. the I.C.T.: Competencias básicas en escuelas especiales, la formación inovadora y creativa |
IES Europa |
Key competences as a key to career |
Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna TWP w Warszawie |
KEY TTT Teamwork, Training and Technology for development of key competencies |
Trakia University – Stara Zagora |
KiiCS: Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation for Science |
European Network for Science Centres & Museums (Ecsite) |
Kolegium Śniadeckich - innovative science curriculum |
Ogólnopolska Fundacja Edukacji Komputerowej |
KoMaL - Mathematical and physical journal for seconday schools |
MATFUND Hungarian High School Mathematics and Physics Foundation |
L.U.L.A.T.S. - Let Us Look At The Sky |
Johannes-Scharrer-Gymnasium |
LD-skills: Development of learning design skills for enhancing students' key competencies |
Ellinogermaniki Agogi |
Le-MATH: Learning Mathematics through new Communication Factors |
Cyprus Mathematical Society |
Learn more sk - advanced educational portal for teachers |
AGEMSOFT, a.s. |
Learning mathematics through new communication factors |
Cyprus Mathematical Society |
Learning situations for embedded system study lab - NetLab |
ITT Group |
Let’s explore, discover and make friends with science |
Croatian Association for the Promotion and Conservation of the Geological Heritage Progeo-Croatia |
Let's click! |
Aruküla Basic School |
Looking for Einstein - Academy of Science |
Kuratorium Oświaty w Warszawie |
M-Learning and other good practices in ICT teaching |
Ies Hermanos Machado |
MaddMaths – Mathematics Didactic Divulgation |
SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale) |
MAGICAL: Making Games In CollaborAtion for Learning |
Institute for Educational Technology – CNR |
Mainstream physics in vocational secondary schools |
University of Latvia |
MaMaEuSch: Management Mathematics for European Schools |
Technical University of Kaiserslautern |
MAPPTIPE innovative tool for creating multimedia educational materials |
Fundacja Nauka i Wiedza |
MateFitness |
Manuela Arata, Giovanni Filocamo e Giuseppe Rosolini |
MatematicaMENTE |
Antonio Bernardo |
MathBridge |
DFKI Saarbruken |
Mathematics of another dimension - the organization of Polish Mathematical Championships for Children and Youth |
Firma Edukacyjno-Wydawnicza ELITMAT Dariusz Kulma |
Maths and science for better understanding the world we live in |
Colegiul Auto Traian Vuia |
Maths is B.E.A.U.
(that is Beautiful Easy Amusing Useful) |
IES Luis De Camoens |
Maths is B.E.A.U. (Beautiful Easy Amusing Useful) |
Ist. Istr. Sup. San Giovanni Bosco |
Maths Recovering |
Dino Betti |
Mechatronics in energy saving applications |
Šolski center Nova Gorica |
MeRLab - Innovative remote laboratory in the E-training of mechatronics |
B2 d.o.o., Ljubljana |
Mobile E-Novative Use of E- learning Technologies (MENUET) |
University Politehnica of Bucharest |
Model of extra-curricular work using innovative working methods and modern information technology |
Gmina Gorlice |
Modernization of the education process in primary schools |
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Slovak Republic |
Module of biology "Professional development of biology teachers" |
University of Latvia |
Multimedia in teaching chemistry |
University of P.J.Šafárik Prešov |
Nano-Tech science education |
Doga schools |
Natural sciences for adult learners |
Universidade Sénior de Évora - Associação de Desenvolvimento Comunitário |
No other world CPR |
Gosforth Central Middle School, Newcastle Upon Tyne |
nQuire: Personal Inquiry Learning platform |
The Open University |
Open discovery space: A socially-powered and multilingual open learning infrastructure to boost the adoption of eLearning resources |
INTRASOFT International S.A. |
Open learning approach with remote experiments |
University of Duesto |
Operations of users and and specialty
electrical applications |
Our planet under pressure |
Kauno rajono Garliavos vidurine mokykla |
Pathway |
University of Bayreuth |
Periodic table |
Università degli Studi di Camerino
Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie |
Physical experiments |
Grammar school in Pilisvörösvár |
Physics 2005 – Virtual laboratory and interactive portal for physics teachers |
National Institute of Nuclear Physics - Bari
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Sezione di Bari |
Physics in Prater – Amusement park- explained in a physics way |
The project was conducted with a support of (IMST-Fonds) S6 "Anwendungsorientierung und Berufsbildung''
IMST - Fund S6 ''The use orientation and profession preparation'' |
Physics multimedia textbook for primary schools, lower grades of secondary schools, and high schools |
KVANT, s.r.o. |
Physik in sport |
The project was conducted with a support of (IMST-Fonds) S6 "Anwendungsorientierung und Berufsbildung''
IMST - Fund S6 ''The use orientation and profession preparation'' |
Pictography - developing skills to use symbolic language in education in the field of mathematical sciences using Asylco pictograms |
Wydawnictwo Bohdan Orłowski |
Planet of knowledge |
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Slovak Republic |
Play the learning game |
Playing |
University of Torino |
Pleased to count and experiment - mathematics and physics executed by a free silent work |
Bischöfliches Gymnasium, Graz |
Polymath |
Politecnico di Torino |
Preparing science educators for everyday science |
University of Nicosia |
Primas - Promoting inquiry in mathematics and science education across Europe |
University of Education |
Prisci-net |
The Malta Council for Science and Technology |
Project eco-efficiency: Transfer of the innovation of expert methodologies for the qualification of eco-efficiency matters in the SME and combate the climatic change |
Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Zaragoza |
Promoting project and practice based learning supported by collaborative learning technologies in initial vocational education of mechanical manufacturing |
Instituto Específico de FP superior Miguel Altuna |
Quality improvement of implementation of inicial vocational training programs in Riga State technical school |
Riga state technical school |
Redooc - The maths as you have never seen before |
Chiara Burberi, Nicolò Ammendola |
RES - Rete Europea per l'Educazione Scientifica (European Network for Scientific Education) |
Ud'Anet Srl |
Robotics and Automation Careers in Engineering – RACE |
Grup Scolar 'Nicolina', Iasi |
S-TEAM - firing up science education |
Dragvoll Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse |
SAILS - strategies for assessment of inquire learning in science |
Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning (CASTeL) |
Science 4 you, various alcohols, their meaning and use in industry and everyday life |
This project was conducted with the support of MNI-Fonds für Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung S 5 "Teambezogenes selbstständiges und Lernen"
MNI - Funds for the development of teaching and schools, S5 “Learning focused on team and independence'' |
Science and Technics Foundation |
Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica |
Science as priority for knowledge-based society |
Miasto Białystok |
Science fiction in education |
Science investigations |
Carterton Primary School, Oxford |
Science: the great escape |
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Din Iasi |
Sciences at school |
Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei” - Ancona |
Scienza per tutti |
Marco Battaglieri, Susanna Bertelli, Halina Bilokon, Pasquale Di Nezza, Franco L. Fabbri, Paolo Lenisa, Sandra Leone, Davide Meloni, Piero Patteri |
Scintillating science - learning through discovery |
Ash C.E.V.C. Primary School, Yeovil |
SEED – Science by Experiments through European Dialog |
Colegiul National Simion Barnutiu |
SEEP - Science Education European Platform |
USGM – Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi |
Serious Games for Social & Creativity Competence |
Silunet |
Ministry of Education of Hungaria |
SINUS - A trademark for improving mathematics and science education in Germany |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Sloop2desc: Sharing Learning Objects in an Open Perspective to Develop European Skills and Competences |
Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Palermo |
Solar car project |
The Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education |
STENCIL-Science teaching European network for creativity and innovation in learning |
Amitié - private training and research center |
Storytelling@Teaching Model (S@TM) |
National and Kapodistrian UNiversity of Athens |
Strategy of free and open implementation as an innovative model to raise the interest of ICT and technical studies and support pupils and students in the development of key competencies |
Fundacja Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania |
Student open learning process of mathematics in vocational education |
University of Latvia |
Students learn chemistry through its application, problem solving and visualization |
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny |
Students' interest in physics is the key to success! |
Centrum Edukacji ATUT Wielkopolska s.j. |
Summer science campus |
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. |
Sustain: Sustaining development for early school education |
Private Doga Education Institutions |
TALETE-Teaching mAths through innovative LEarning |
Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi” |
Talnet |
Department of didactik of physics Faculty of mathematics-physics Charles Univerzity Karlovy in Prague, National institut for live long learning education in Prague |
TEMI Teaching Enquiry with Mysteries incorporated |
Tests in chemistry |
State Education Development Agency |
The 21 st Century Hazards |
Sports High School Roman |
The Children's University |
The Children's University Foundation |
The European energy quest |
Colegio Salesianos Ntra. Sra. Del Pilar |
The Fibonacci project. Disseminating inquiry-based science and mathematics education in Europe. |
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne/ARMINES |
The secrets in the art of cooking by science experiments |
BG / BRG Gmünd |
Together again - developing links between schools and industry through science and technology |
Brewood CE (C) Middle School, Stafford |
Training materials for biology teachers' competence development in vocational high schools |
University of Latvia |
Training teachers to use mobile (hand held) technologies within mainstream school education |
Titan Partnership Ltd, Birmingham |
TTTNET: Network for teamwork education and technologies |
Polo Europeo della Conoscenza-I.C. Lorenzi-Fumane |
Tutorials and educational resources |
Claudio Cancelli |
AGEMSOFT, a.s. |
Ubimath |
Ubaldo Pernigo |
Unlocking the Universe |
Space Today Uk Ltd |
Virtual light |
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA, Trieste) e Edumond editori associati (Milano, Firenze, Bologna) |
Virtual reality physics – real knowledge |
Politechnika Koszalińska |
Virtual science – Virtual worlds for the sciences |
Michelina Occhioni |
Vocational education program "Chemical Technician" students qualifying practice of pharmaceutical companies |
State Education Development Agency |
Web lab – Virtual lab of physics |
Università degli Studi di Messina
Dipartimento di Protezionistica Ambientale, Sanitaria, Sociale ed Industriale |
Why maths? |
IES Álvarez Cubero |
Yes you can |
XANOCHANNEL, Association for community development |
You are the next..... |
University in Debrecen |
YouMath |
Fulvio Sbranchella |
Yourvid YESdigital |
Spanish Confederation of Training Centers |
Zambia schools project |
Cosmos Education |