Title of Initiative / Project
Vocational education program "Chemical Technician" students qualifying practice of pharmaceutical companies
Name of Organiser
State Education Development Agency
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
The European Social Fund
Title of the project
Vocational education program "Chemical Technician" students qualifying practice of pharmaceutical companies
association of Latvian chemical and pharmaceutical companies
Project number
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
Methodological material is created by Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Association within the European Social Fund project. The project is being implemented with the aim of contributing to the qualifying practice of organizing quality, professional educational institutions and employers, co-operation, as well as the students' professional skills in developing the skills of income. Aim of the project is to ensure the Riga State Technical School students teaching practicein two pharmaceutical companies - JSC "Olainfarm" and JSC "Grindeks".
More Information
Material deveoped and useful for use of mentors in qualification practice. Is not available online and useful for small audiance. Material is important part of teaching and learning in RSTS. If you are interested in the material, contact us www.rvt.lv.
Teachers’ Opinion
Methodological material is useful of study practical part, because practical works are specific. Students can start practice of pharmaceutical companies well prepared. Methodological material has been successfully applied also in the general education science subjects such as chemistry and biology, where are compulsory research laboratory work. The technique of the laboratory work and students skills in the general education is not separated of vocational education. Methodological material reflects the latest trends for development of learners' professional skills. It gives the initiative to organize practices in quality, contemporary level.
Students’ Opinion
The material provides clear guidance in practice.
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