Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Title of Initiative / Project
TEMI Teaching Enquiry with Mysteries incorporated
Start and ending date of the Initiative
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Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Description of the initiative
TEMI is a teacher training project with the aim to help transform science and mathematics teaching practice across Europe by giving teachers new skills to engage with their students, exciting new resources and the extended support needed to effectively introduce enquiry based learning into their classrooms.
We do this by working with teacher training institutions and teacher networks across Europe where we wish to implement innovative training programmes called ‘enquiry labs’. These are based around the core scientific concepts and emotionally engaging activity of solving mysteries, i.e. exploring the unknown. The enquiry labs use scientists and communication professionals (e.g. actors, motivational speakers, etc.) to mentor teachers through the transition to use enquiry to teach science.

TEMI adopts a clear definition of enquiry in terms of a cognitive skill set, and sets out a stepwise progression to push students towards becoming confident enquirers. The project pays equal attention to the affective side of learning. We will help teachers foster a deep motivation to learn, by bringing to the fore the sense of mystery, exploration and discovery that is at the core of all scientific practice.
More Information
Project is based on explainin complex things through other abproaches, or so-called cognitive laboratories. Setting in all respects good, however, require teachers to be trained. Designed to attract students to master the basics of complex processes.
In science education, a mystery is a phenomenon or event or story, which provokes the perception of suspense and wonder in the learner. It initiates an emotionally laden “want to know”-feeling which leads to curiosity and which posing of questions – which are then answered by inquiry and problem-solving activities. TEMI Mysteries are designed to have specific feature to help students learn, and to help teachers address the curriculum:
- Provide affective engagement for the students
- Generate curiosity and leads to student questions
- Make knowledge and inquiry skills part of the answer to the mystery
- Covers a sufficient part of the nationally assessed curriculum
- Are surprising ‘discrepant event’, to change students’ existing ideas.
In the project home page it is aslo possible to reach other resources by clicking on the "useful links". There you can find materials, videos, quiz in chemistry:
Teachers’ Opinion
Necessary qualification courses for teachers to implement classroom situation or role games, learning the basics of a complex process. This is a teacher training program. It is useful to generate interest in the processes taking place in nature. Course graduates rod option, or are trained to generate the interest of students to learn science subjects.
Students’ Opinion
Interesting and unconventional way of looking on natural processes. However, it requires a little background.

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Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.