Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Title of Initiative / Project
Datalogging as innovative learning tool
Name of Organiser
VIA University College
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Leonardo da Vinci LLP
Title of the project
Datalogging as innovative learning tool
VIA University College
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, ICT, Science
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The PISA reports showed that young Europeans in general lack engagement and interest in science and that they do not fully understand the key part that science plays in today's societies and economies. This situation needs to be reversed. To be able to do that there is a need for making a training course that implements teaching approaches to datalogging. The project therefore aims at qualifying the science teachers in primary and lower-secondary schools by developing a further training course in how to implement innovative learning approaches to datalogging in science. Datalogging is a tool that by the use of electronic sensors and interfaces measures and records changes in physical variables such as: temperature, hte beat of pulse, pH etc. As a learning tool it contains great didactic potentials.

The project developed a training course containing descriptions of different teaching approaches to datalogging, concrete examples of how to implement the teaching approaches, knowledge bank, best practice of the use of datalogging as learning tool in science.
More Information
Datalogging contains training course that shows how to implement teaching approaches to datalogging ( The course contains four modules for teachers/educators (module 1, 2, 3 and 4) and three modules designed for work without the educator, in between the other modules, and these are named A, B and C. There are labmanuals for implementing datalogging for different topics related to science education (
For example there are manuals how to deliver classes on energy with the use of datalogging (different experiments)
It is reliable supportive didactical resource for teaching science education, especially physics, chemistry and biology. It requires basic measurement equipment for datalogging.
Teachers’ Opinion
The project developed interesting results. Datalogging and measurement methods for teaching are worth recommending. It's a good way to learn the issues in physics, chemistry, but may also contribute to the development of technical capacity. Modules for independent work of students are also interesting. Learning by experimentation is interesting for them.
Students’ Opinion
We like to do experiments on lessons. It is easier to understand some concept when you try. Not just o seat and read books. It helps to understand better the nature.

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Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.