Title of Initiative / Project
SEEP - Science Education European Platform
Name of Organiser
USGM – Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi
Start and ending date of the Initiative
2009 - 2012
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
LLP Comenius Network
Title of the project
SEEP - Science Education European Platform
USGM – Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi - Francesco Fedele
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology, Video, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Maths, Physics, Science
Language of the deliverable
Italian, Other EU, Romanian, Spanish, English, Other non EU
Description of the initiative
The reason for Launching one European network for promoting European co-operation and innovation in science education at secondary level in Europe lies on the perception that there are important challenges and target groups’ needs, related to science education, training and guidance systems, that should be addressed on a cooperative approach.
SEEP simultaneously promotes and facilitates the transfer and exchange of existent innovative approaches in science education fields among Platform members and the joint development of new European science education solutions like: European research findings (several reports and 4 publications), the “European Resources Generator” (innovative electronic interactive tool to support and innovate the teaching of science subjects and science guidance activities), and interactive audiovisual science products for science events and education purposes.
Other deliverables include:
- 4 European thematic Training Sessions;
- 8 European Discussion Forums (virtual conferences);
- the European Science Youth Day, Public event and respective outcomes (science products and experiments);
- Permanent European Science Exhibitions in schools;
- 3 Annual European workshops;
- Science education policies and recommendations (discussion paper).
The action will directly benefit secondary science teachers, students guidance officers, trainers, school managers (direct target groups) and science students (direct beneficiaries) in Europe wide, offering them the opportunity of: European joint work, learning and exchanging opportunities, skills and competences development, access to information and innovative solutions, developing new European projects, improving science education, training and guidance quality, strengthening the European dimension and bringing innovation to science education and school management.
Teachers’ Opinion
The most interesting resource I found on this portal is the following link
http://gphysics2.wordpress.com/. Here you can find an inventory in English of laboratory sheets, school notes, useful links and quiz of Physics. I must say that the latters do not work at least on my pc, while the other resources are approached in an elemental way.
Among the suggested links, many of those are interesting for sure (like that one to the Phet). Unfortunately, there is none review about these external website and whatever else search engine can find more results.
Students’ Opinion
I find good the idea to insert a forum section on the website, unfortunately it is not updated and popular.
I like the "S.T.A.R." section because it has inside links for other websites and didactic materials.
I think it can be improved adding new contents and items.
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