Title of Initiative / Project
Inspiring new scientists through investigations, challenge and teamwork
Name of Organiser
Norfolk County Council, Norwich
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Title of the project
Inspiring New Scientists Through Investigations, Challenge and Teamwork
Norfolk County Council, Norwich
Project number
Type of deliverables
Didactical resource
Thematic area
Biology, Science
Language of the deliverable
Other EU, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
Norfolk and Haute-Savoie share common educational concerns of low aspirations and under-achievement shown by many secondary students. In particular some students have low motivation and little interest in learning science. With the intention of increasing students’ motivation and achievement in science, teachers from both regions will jointly develop curriculum materials for use in schools. These will make up a resource package of fieldwork and investigative activities focused on shared environmental issues, including: • the invasive non-native species of plants and animals which adversely affect the environments of Norfolk and Haute-Savoie, • issues relating to the effects of climate change, including phenology (climatic regulation of animal and plant cycles) • eutrophication of waterways. The resultant learning of investigative skills will be assessed through interactive practical lessons developed during the project. The interaction from sharing data and resources will bring students and staff together in motivating activities to raise the profile of science for students. It will promote interest in, and uptake of, science, for all students, especially disaffected and underachieving groups. The project as a whole will improve standards of science teaching and generate lasting resources. It will also generate international links that benefit all.
More Information
To know how it's working, it's evoluating and how the environment is changingevery day, means to involve orselves in sustaining life on Earth.In thisway, education transforms people into responsable ones, who care about humanity future.Tehnology means knowing how to workwith science. Tehnology means future.
Teachers’ Opinion
The continue and fast changing means to redescover and reinvent yourself. It'sveryimportantto have tools that can succesfully help you in implementing your work, being in the same way on the same direction with your students.
Students’ Opinion
It's importan tto love what you learn, but most important, what you learn should inspired from reality and easily transfered into that. In the same time, educational subjects have to help us in our profesional and social development.
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