Lifelong Learning Programme

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Title of Initiative / Project
Animated science
Name of Organiser
VIA University College
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Web site
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Leonardo da Vinci LLP
Title of the project
Animated Science
VIA University College
Project number
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Video
Thematic area
ICT, Science
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Description of the initiative
The project intends to contribute to making science education in primary and secondary schools more interesting and motivating to a larger group of students. Reports and tests such as e.g. the PISA Test show that the students’ literacy in science is poor. Moreover, the students’ interest in science is remarkably low and a large number of people would not consider studying or making a career in the field of science.
This project contributed to make science more interesting and appealing to a larger group of students. To achieve this aim animation was introduced as an innovative, inclusive and didactic tool and project provided the science teachers with an online vocational training tutorial teaching them how to implement animation in their teaching. The online vocational training tutorial for science teachers was developed, tested and disseminated.

The online vocational training tutorial consists of concrete lesson plans that guide teachers on how to implement animation in their teaching. The lesson plans describe a scientific topic which is illustrated with an animation. Furthermore, the lesson plans include a description on how the animation is made and how the teacher can use it either as an illustration or as an assignment for the students in a teaching situation. The tutorial includes guidance and advices and various examples of animation used in science. The teachers get a tool to approach difficult topics in an entertaining and different way and gain the students interest in the field of science.
More Information
Animated Science presents a set of methodologies and practical information how to use animation for the purpose of the learning process. It presents different animation techniques such as cut out, model animation or pixilation ( It describes the techniques and provides the tutorial films how to use them in the learning environment. The project website has nice design and it is easy to navigate. It also presents technical equipment necessary for developing animations.
The materials could be useful both for teachers as well as for students preparing the animations for classes. Project portal provides examples of animations on several topics (“Gallery”
Teachers’ Opinion
Interesting scenarios how to use animation. Presenting different animation techniques. Step-by-step guides can be very useful for developing projects at school. The pedagogical materials could be useful for planning the classes for student. It could be exploited for the purposes of different subjects at school.
The problem is it requires a lot of time spent on shooting the videos and production of the animated films. It could be too difficult for some students to prepare the movies (ICT skills required). For some programmes you have to pay so extra funds are needed.
Students’ Opinion
The design and examples are cool. Nice way of presenting some topics. Some movies are very funny. Sometimes we make movies and it is funny to make it in group and present to the class.

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Date: 2015.03.18

Posted by Kamila Pawenta (Poland)

Very well developed resources to help introducing animations in science. It gives a lot of examples of different techniques. It could be done for school projects because some can be developed by smartphones.

Date: 2015.03.12

Posted by Darina Dolešová (Slovakia)

This project is interesting for both teachers and students. It provides the opportunity to explain some phenomena - for example, photosynthesis – in an unusual, attention-catching way which surely attracts students and they will remember the curriculum more easily. The videos are funny, humorous, with good animation. In some lessons it will certainly be a very good way to motivate the pupils to the topic or the whole subject as well.

Student - Kristína Kocúrová
It was good, something other than the traditional explanation. A simple way to remember some facts. Funny animations increase attractiveness and will be very interesting and successfully catching the attention of the majority of students. Animated videos are from different areas; everyone will be able to find something which will interest him/her and thus learn something new.

Date: 2015.02.27

Posted by Jose Castillo (Spain)

Some of the animations are very good and beautiful. They have done a lot of work.
As a teacher, I have no sufficient time to do this work. All the videos and manuals I have seen are hand made with traditional techniques.
Nowadays we have a lot of software that make this easier, like vector animations o 3D modeling. I know we can loose the hand made taste, but could be more practical.


Date: 2015.02.17

Posted by Inga Mateusa-Krūkle (Latvia)

Students' attention certainly attracts a lot better visual information. It allows you to understand the information much faster and more efficiently than textual information. Interesting and even amusing video materials theme acquisition is a very good way to attract students' attention. I already use video materials in planning learning process. But these animations are much more interesting and memorable stay much better. I definitely will use the proposed methodology for the animation.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.