Title of Initiative / Project
Education in a Virtual World (E-VIWO)
Name of Organiser
Vocational Collage of Ostrobothnia
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Leonardo Transfer of Innovation
Title of the project
Education in a Virtual World (E-VIWO
Vocational Collage of Ostrobothnia
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology
Language of the deliverable
Other EU, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
E-VIWO supports learning through new technology and promotes the development of engaging learning methods that motivates students to obtain knowledge and new skills that will support their future professional career.
The main aim of the project is to plan and implement a Second Life learning module in which the students of Computing and Software can practice e.g. programming skills, entrepreneurship, marketing and language skills in a multicultural environment. Within this project the project partners are able to engage their learners in a way not previously possible.
The objectives of E-VIWO are to plan, create and implement a Second Life learning environment where students can gain skills necessary for both their academic courses and for employability in the future e.g. programming skills, entrepreneurship, marketing and language skills in a multicultural environment. The students and teachers may for example actively participate in creating a virtual computer network course using 3D-programming to make it possible to setup and configure virtual networks (using virtual routers, switches and servers etc) .
A virtual environment has no geographical borders and offers unlimited possibilities for vocational educators and students in a safe and prejudice-free environment, encouraging and promoting equality for all.
Creating courses in a virtual environment is a creative way of teaching and learning. Once the course is created it can be shared and used over and over again and still be cost effective.
The material costs are limited since they only exist in the virtual environment and can easily be shared and re-used. Computer network simulation and configuration can be performed in a virtual environment. The same goes for planning, establishing and marketing new enterprises!
Students and teachers can also learn design and programming skills whilst developing and testing necessary activities in a virtual environment and enjoy playing various roles as avatars (representative of a real person in the virtual environment).
More Information
Available handbooks online are helping both to the teacher and the student to understand complex things in programming. Images with clear directions are very helpfull and easy to understand.
Teachers’ Opinion
Young people today have a lot of passion for IT technologies and many young people spend their time at the computer playing a variety of games. Learning programming is more fun if the entire programming process "goes through" creating a particular product, in this case the game. Material available online is a great "step by step" understandable explanation I can offer to my students.
Students’ Opinion
Learning through game is always interesting. That gives greater motivation and interest in complex cases, which is not always possible to dig out of the head and easy to learn.
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