Lifelong Learning Programme

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Title of Initiative / Project
Kolegium Śniadeckich - innovative science curriculum
Name of Organiser
Ogólnopolska Fundacja Edukacji Komputerowej
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Human Capital Operational Programme
Title of the project
Kolegium Śniadeckich - innowacyjny program nauczania przedmiotów przyrodniczych
Ogólnopolska Fundacja Edukacji Komputerowej
Type of deliverables
Video, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Biology, Science
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
Kolegium Śniadeckich - innovative science curriculum Project is an opportunity for teachers and students to start thinking about education in the innovative design and leading the way, as well as to prepare for the principles of education in accordance with the requirements of entering into force of the reform of the curriculum in secondary schools in 2012/2013 school.
Results: Curriculum based on the method of individualized work with students using active teaching methods (including methods of design and problem solving) carried out by the students in the digital environment, together with the teacher, and under his direction. The final product consists of:
1) Manual "pre-emptive strategy learning methodology",
2) educational platform "College of nature"; provided on the platform "
a. digital educational materials (for students and teachers) - 75 sets consisting of synopses of classes, teaching materials for teachers and support materials for students - in line with the high school core curriculum for teaching / learning in the field of biology, chemistry, physics, geography and mathematics,
b. Educational Films (75) for each of the issues placed on educational platform,
c. Virtual chemistry lab on a platform of education,
d. Film introductory methods / strategies of teaching pre-emptive
e. Film - teaching the use of learning platforms.
More Information
It provides teachers with materials to implement teaching methodology based on self-preparation of students to classes. The proposed method is based on group work engaging students – project method. The students are responsible for choosing part of the material.
Teachers can download the handbook and strategy of teaching basing on self-preparation of students to classes
This approach is stimulating students activity in didactic process. Thanks to engagement students are more responsible for self-development. This project provides a good framework to use this method in classes.
Teachers’ Opinion
Proposed methods are very interesting. When students are actively involved in teaching process, they create common projects in groups it increases their motivation. It is also important from the sociological aspects – it helps you to cooperate in group and communicate with others. The strategy provides useful tips how to implement web 2.0 software in teaching, and useful tips how to develop presentations for students to catch attention.
Students’ Opinion
The project helps to develop individual interests with regard to the pace of work of student and access to new technologies. The proposed methods of work in a group to develop projects are interesting. If there are any doubts you can ask the teacher for guidance on the lesson.

Comments on this Relevant initiatives

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Date: 2015.03.18

Posted by Aleksandra Pilc (Polska)

Ciekawe podejście do pracy z uczniami. W naszej szkole staramy się stosować podobne metody. Dzieci potrzebują zaufania i doceniają, kiedy pozwala im się angażować. Kreatywność dzieci jest wielka i takie projekty pomagają ją rozwijać.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.