Title of Initiative / Project
MAGICAL: Making Games In CollaborAtion for Learning
Name of Organiser
Institute for Educational Technology – CNR
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Lifelong Learning Programme Key Action 3
Title of the project
Making Games In CollaborAtion for Learning
Institute for Educational Technology – CNR
Project number
519006 - LLP - 1 - 2011 - 1 - IT - KA3 - KA3MP
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, On-line Game
Language of the deliverable
Other EU, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
MAGICAL explores the potential that digital games offer for developing transversal abilities such as digital competence, reasoning skills and creativity. The project tests an innovative ‘learning by doing’ approach to Game-Based Learning that encourages students not just to play educational games but to collaborate in groups to create their own digital games. Learners in primary and secondary schools (including those with learning difficulties) will work together using Magos - a bespoke digital game development environment with specific features that support collaborative authoring processes. Magos aims to be rich in functionality, simple to use, flexible and motivating, encouraging learners to work together to create and share games that are engaging and fun to play.
More Information
Many modern teaching methods based on creativity and innovative approaches. Also, this project demonstrates the commitment of creativity in science and technology. Creativity through the operation is a good approach and can be used in the learning process. It is possible to complicate the process according to the audience.
Teachers’ Opinion
This method is based on group work and cooperation networking between students. Students learn how to cooperate and work together to solve problem situations. Learning by doing is an alternative approach to learning. It allows students to come to the result by themselves. This approach is useful for most practical learning topics based on what regularities.
Students’ Opinion
With the help of this method you don't have to be a programmer to create your own game. And this is a good way to learn complicated things.
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