Title of Initiative / Project
Name of Organiser
Associazione Culturale Chimicare
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Didactical resource
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The main aim of Chimicare.org is to spread the most consolidated aspects of science and of Chemistry technologies. The purpose is primarily the education of readers with little scientific knowledge background, but curious and available to start a cultural growing path. Secondarily, the target group of this website is those readers with good scientific knowledge, but also interested in dealing with scientific topics in a transversal and interdisciplinary way.
Chimicare.org contains two different blogs: chimiCOMPRENDE (“Chemistry Understanding”) and chimiSPIEGA (“Chemistry Teaching”).
The former is for people with some background Chemistry knowledge and deals with deontological, didactical, communication and methodological aspects of Chemistry. It updates also on the web and face-to-face events organised by the Cultural Association Chimicare.
The latter is for a wider public. Compared to the other blog iIt uses an easier and more understandable language. It takes nothing for granted and deals with topics connected with everyday life, curiosities and in-depth analysis on specific Chemistry issues.
Moreover, chimicare.org has a section, under implementation, called chimiCERCA (“Chemistry Finder”). This section aims to become a (kind of) “centre of sorting” for those users seeking basic information on Chemistry and on subjects connected to Chemistry. The implementation concerns many tools like the internal search engine, an interactive database containing links to other websites (sorted by sectors and keywords) and a glossary of the most important terms used on Chemistry (some related links point towards the publications that better explain the concept).
The Chimicare Cultural Association allows the interactive access also to those people who are not associated. This kind of cooperation is guaranteed by many forms that can be filled in (e.g. for suggesting reviews or events), by the subscription to the weekly newsletter, by the Facebook page and by the Twitter channel.
More Information
At once the users feel that this website gets serious. Nevertheless, the language is not understandable by experts only, so this website can become an useful didactic tool. The focus is exclusively on Chemistry, but this portal has a wide set of contents to offer like: a blog (
http://www.chimicare.org/blog/) that is the occasion to do scientific divulgation; a section with the aim to demonstrate the Chemistry side of everyday life (
http://www.chimicare.org/curiosita/); an other macro-section for searching Chemistry contents under three different types of research: into the Glossary, among suggested webpages or even freely on the internet (
Teachers’ Opinion
This site offers a broad choice of contents related to chemistry in all its aspects, from general chemistry to analytical, from organic chemistry to biochemistry. The site contents address both students and teachers and even people that appreciate chemistry subject but not necessarily involved in the educational process.
Chimicare is not only a website but a network devoted to spread people interest on chemical sciences: there is a site dedicated to science communication (www.divulgazionescientifica.it), a page containing two blogs, chimicomprende and chimispiega (www.chimicare.org), an association page (www.associazionechimicare.org), another site (www.didatticachimica.it) dedicated to school methods and broadened to educational debate. There are also two Facebook pages, related to associazionechimicare.org itself and to didatticachimica.it, that are useful for exchanging materials and videos. The scientific contents are qualitatively good and quantitatively abundant, covering several subjects of wide interest in chemistry.
The worst thing is that the site is developed in italian language only (at least for the moment), even if there are links with international sites. (e.g.
Students’ Opinion
Students think that the proposed website is complete and helpful even if some definitions are not the same as in chemistry books. They think anyway that the website could be a strong educating instrument, but teachers have to supervise contents to prevent any misunderstandings. The articles are various and interesting.
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.03.28
Posted by Chiara Cheti (Italy)
The site offers a wide range of support activities for the sudents, even if sometimes is not really easy going through it. For this reason the its better for the students to have a supervisor while surfing the site. The layout is not really catchy for a student, since it looks like a book.For a teacher,on the contrary, it’s a good opportunity for an educational deepening, especially for the most complex issues.