Title of Initiative / Project
Physical experiments
Name of Organiser
Grammar school in Pilisvörösvár
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Web site
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Language of the deliverable
Other EU
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
It is a website for elementary school physical afterschool activity class of the grammar school in Pilisvörösvár where are collected interesting experiments carried out within the school curriculum activities. Each experiment is theoretically explained and the measured values, calculations and final evaluations with the photo documentation are published on the site. This page serves as an inspiration for teachers of physics, but also for curious students to draw topics e.g. for an afterschool activity.
More Information
Website of the physical course from the school PILISVÖRÖSVÁR / Hungary / is interesting and useful because it serves as an inspiration for teachers how to provide afterschool courses for students. It supports the creativity of teachers and students, for example at
http://www.fizkiserlet.eoldal.hu/fenykepek/ where they published collected photographic documentation of their own activities or through archive - http: //www.fizkiserlet.eoldal.hu/archivum/ where they published documentation of all of their activities.
Teachers’ Opinion
Website of the physical course from the school PILISVÖRÖSVÁR is for me as a teacher of physics inspirational in finding suitable, interesting and relatively simple tasks for students. It offers me also easy experiments to be realized even in the classroom, and also serves as a motivation for my pupils to try to work in a similar way, perhaps within afterschool course and to document their work and publish it on the web.
Students’ Opinion
Very interesting site focused on experiments from physics. Simply described and explained, to me it was quite clear, and finally I have understood some of the physical phenomena.
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