Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Relevant initiatives

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Title of Initiative / Project
Ins and outs of the magic Möbius strip
Name of Organiser
Colegiul National Moise Nicoara
Start and ending date of the Initiative
2011 - 2013
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Comenius multilateral partnerships
Title of the project
Ins and outs of the magic Möbius strip
Colegiul National Moise Nicoara
Project number
Type of deliverables
Didactical resource
Thematic area
Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Biology, Other
Language of the deliverable
Romanian, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The metaphorical title of the project is: ”Ins and outs of the magic Möbius strip”. Our project involves four schools: "Moise Nicoara" National College,Arad,RO,Devonport High School for Girls,Plymouth,UK, Justus-von-Liebig-Gymnasium, Neusäß, DE and "XV. Gimnazija "Zagreb,HR. Students participating in this project are expected to be aged between 15-18 years and to have a basic knowledge of geometry and trigonometry. The project has a trandisciplinary aim: to show students that a unity of the world and knowledge exists. The main objectives are: developing students’ interrogative abilities through challenging activities and motivating them in order to follow a career in maths or science. The activities will develop students’ ability to understand fundamental truths about nature, humankind and themselves. They will make maths and sciences more attractive and will stimulate the students’ creativity. We want to apply Möbius strip in topology, ICT, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, literature, music and religion, in art, games and labyrinths, even in every day life. We are convinced that this project will prove that the transdisciplinary approach of teaching and learning is possible in a real school. Searching for truth and finding the answer contributes to the creation of a “complete person”. Results: Exhibitions with Möbius products: Möbius conveyor belt and Klein Bottle (one sided and boundless!), craft workshop products, essays, poems, posters. Dissemination: creating a common website and a DVD containing photos and videos from our activities and meetings, publishing a brochure with our feelings and thoughts, articles and books.
More Information
The human being, has been always eager to find uot haw eerything around him takes place, that's why trying to become real researches is a is a step forward for humanity.
Teachers’ Opinion
It is very important to develop in our children the desire to know, but for accomplishing this goal it is very important to have methods,strategies,materials at our disposal.
Students’ Opinion
It is very importnaty to be in love with what you do, to be able to use our knowledges in our everyday life, but the most important thing is being helped by the whole things we have discovered at each of our classes.

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Date: 2015.02.26

Posted by VERONICA BRÎNZĂ (Romania)

Cercetarea naturii este fascinanta , adesea plina de surprize, si nu se sfârseste
niciodata ! Scopul unei cercetari experimentale este acela de a gasi raspuns la întrebari.
De multe ori, cautând raspuns la unele întrebari, concluziile la care ajungem prin
cercetare experimentala pot provoca noi întrebari.
Un experimentator observa câteva situatii din care încearca sa-si formeze o parere
despre ceea ce pare ca se întâmpla întotdeauna în cazuri similare . Cu cât numarul de
experimente este mai mare , cu atât el poate fi mai sigur de corectitudinea concluziilor sale.
La realizarea experimentelor se folosesc aparatura si metodele necesare pentru a
face o investigatie buna. Acest lucru include mânuirea aparatelor cu grija, observarea atenta
a desfasurarii experimentului , înregistrarea observatiilor si masuratorilor în mod ordonat,
discutarea concluziilor cu alti colegi.
Cele mai interesante subiecte pentru o investigatie sunt, de obicei, cele pe care le
alegi tu însuti. Trebuie numai sa alegi o tema legata de un fenomen care poate fi reprodus
cu aparate pe care le ai la îndemâna. Apoi va trebui sa identifici câteva variabile , sa
formulezi o ipoteza si ... cercetarea ta a început !


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.