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Date: 2015.03.12
Posted by Maria Dojcanova (Slovakia)
It is a very interesting initiative. "Researchers' Night" takes place every year in Slovakia too, thus we have very good experiences with this initiative. The public has the opportunity to meet scientists who are trying to discover new things and facts. The results of their scientific work are opened up to the people. When meeting them, one can experienced a lot, get interesting information and a lot of knowledge. This project is also needed because it confirms the importance of scientific research for life and the importance of investment in research. The events are carried out in public places, in shopping centres, thus very often many things attract also those people, who wouldn´t get on their own to the offered knowledge and experiences.
Students during these events in public places also meet with various fascinating experiences, new knowledge and modern technologies. This motivates them to work for themselves; they try to acquire new knowledge and skills and are more active in engaging in competitions.
I will continue in participating on these events with my pupils in future.
Student: (Please answer in few sentences)
Events are very interesting and give us the opportunity to participate in a variety of smaller researches in the open air. In addition, participants can take various items from the experiments and researches done there. Students have the opportunity to get a lot of new information from physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and their usage in everyday life. This increases their interest and questions in classes.
Date: 2015.02.26
Posted by Adumitroaei Diana (Romania)
The project is a fantastic one. It helps science teachers, particulary those who work in schools that do not provide the necessary equipment for conducting various experiments.
Any teenager that enjoys studying sciences represents a step forward in our society's evolution.
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Francisco Herenas Ramos - Spain
It's really great to explain the students the ALU and UC using meals to represent the functionality of this computer parts.
This model can help the s......
New comment on the Initiatives "Basics of Central Processing Unit (CPU) functions"
Dissemination Seminar in Florence
31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.