Lifelong Learning Programme

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Relevant initiatives

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Title of Initiative / Project
Compete for the Heyrovsky Cup
Name of Organiser
National institut for chidren and youth in Prague
Start and ending date of the Initiative
since 1995
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology
Thematic area
Language of the deliverable
Other EU
Target Group
Description of the initiative
It is a chemical competition for students of grade 8, respectively the second class of multi grammar schools (those with chemistry for the first year). The competition is designed as encouraging and supporting pupils' interest in chemistry. The effort, therefore, is that the competition is interesting and playful for the students. The effort is to stimulate in a playful way in the pupils a desire for discovery and interest in chemistry. An interesting activity is the competition called "The best experiment" where students prepare a task alone or in a group of maximum three students. They design an interesting experiment (resp. a series of experiments), write it down in a pre-made template and during the time of the competition familiarize the jury with the result of their work, reactions in the experiment, explanation of what students have learned in these experiments, what they got interested in ... Rated are originality of the experiments, their execution and presentation. Archive of the competitive tasks from the introductory year to the present day gives students and teachers a number of interesting and inspiring issues to work with.
More Information
Several questions and tasks in the various tests (19) years of Czech Chemical nationwide competition, listed at are a demonstration of how the appropriate assignments for students should be formulated to attract and motivate students. Many tasks in the test are very inspiring and it is also interesting for teachers to think about the scoring, to reflect and determine the level of difficultness of each item in the test for students.
Organization of the competition "The best experiment" (see information about the competition on, illustrates the appropriate way how to do the student scientific professional activity in schools.
Teachers’ Opinion
For me as chemistry teacher is the portal great inspiration how to motivate students and how to encourage their interest in chemistry. It should be emphasized that the chemical competitions are really for students who are motivated and interested in chemistry, on the other hand, the other students may find that chemistry is interesting and inspiring. The competition has been running since 1995 and from the point of view of the content and individual tasks the shift from theoretical questions to more practically oriented tasks can be seen, as well as the form is gradually changing from traditional tasks to test and laboratory works. It is in any case an inspiration for me to use it for lessons of chemistry.
Students’ Opinion
It is an interesting site where students can compete in chemistry. It slightly resembles the Chemical Olympics but this is better and more inspirational.

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Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.