Title of Initiative / Project
Didactic magazine of teachers of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics
Name of Organiser
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafrika v Košiciach, Prírodovedecká fakulta
v spolupráci s: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky , Metodicko-pedagogické centrum, Bratislava
Start and ending date of the Initiative
since 1995 -
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Maths, Physics, ICT
Language of the deliverable
Description of the initiative
Didactic magazine of teachers of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics is designed for teachers of these subjects. There are articles and posts of teachers of universities and secondary schools published here that aim at new approaches in didactics and teaching of mathematics, informatics and physics, mainly focusing on the use of ITC technologies in teaching these subjects. This refers to using the ITC teaching methods for new topics and laboratory exercises and also the exchange of experience in the field. Experienced university teachers who prepare future teachers on the bases of the latest knowledge of didactics of science and also have practical experience in teaching these subjects contribute to the journal.
More Information
In this case it is the electronic version of the didactic magazine, links and other resources can be found at the Centre for lifelong learning UPJ Košice - www.upjs.sk as well as at the Slovak Association for Lifelong Learning - www.tuzvo.sk/saacv/
Teachers’ Opinion
Magazine MIF has been around quite a long time in our schools. Its strength is in free use of the information provided. The weakness of the magazine is in its language style, there are written several posts containing many new scientific terms, which usually lower grade teacher´s rarely meet.
The subjects I teach - Math - I didn´t use the content of the magazine in teaching Mathematics. However, I have expanded my knowledge from different fields of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, which were presented mainly by university teachers.
The magazine is suitable for teachers and for that community, which is engaged in teaching or wishes to expand their knowledge in areas magazine offers.
For the students are suitable magazines: Young scientist and MATMIX.
Students’ Opinion
• complex, dull, you need to register - weakness;
• interesting topics
• only certain articles are suitable for teaching us- students
• students could use articles when writing papers, graduation works, essays and etc.
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.02.16
Posted by Māra (Latvia)
It looks so inviting but there is no possibility to look at them without a password.