Title of Initiative / Project
Let’s explore, discover and make friends with science
Name of Organiser
Croatian Association for the Promotion and Conservation of the Geological Heritage Progeo-Croatia
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
FP7-PEOPLE-2011-NIGHT - Marie-Curie Action: Researchers' Night
Title of the project
Croatian Association for the Promotion and Conservation of the Geological Heritage Progeo-Croatia
Type of deliverables
Thematic area
Chemistry, Science , Other
Language of the deliverable
Other EU
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The proposed project envisages promotion of science among general population, school-children and adults alike. Primarily in Zagreb, as well as in three smaller urban communities. The awareness campaign will comprise emitting of 6 TV educational science shows (production of Croatian Television in cooperation with authors of this project) which portray science as a fun and challenging activity. Production of 6 additional educational shows is planned for spring-summer of 2011, also with participation of ProGEO-Croatia.
The proposed project encompasses:
a) promotional activities related to recognition of researchers in society,
b) activities related to the International Year of Chemistry, and
c) science popularization activities such as science workshops, public lectures, exhibitions. One planned exhibition is "Flavours of Science" which was made for Researchers' Night in 2010, and the second is "The Periodic Table of Elements".
Personal contact with researchers will be achieved during public lectures, discussions, demonstrations and social gathering at suitable facilities. The program will take place at two locations in Zagreb (Technical Museum and Shopping Mall), and in smaller towns too.
The science demonstration teams will prepare and conduct various workshops, demonstration, presentations and public lectures, some targeted specifically to children, other to general public. Most of the involved researchers are affiliated with the University of Zagreb, but significant workload will be shared also by student volunteers.
More Information
Science and how to fight the stereotype that presents it as difficult and boring? The project plans awareness raising activities alongside activities dedicated to the International Year of Chemistry and science popularization with science workshops, public lectures, exhibitions.
Teachers’ Opinion
The fact that significant workload will be shared by student volunteers shows that science is not an isolated discipline and that volunteers passionate about scientific content will be willing to put in their own time to persuade their peers of the value of studying sciences .
Students’ Opinion
It is an interesting project which aims at promoting science among students.Science is made more accessible and attractive by science demonstration teams who prepare and conduct various workshops, demonstration, presentations and public lectures. The most exciting event seems to be the exhibition when students and adults alike are invited to take part in hands-on activities in order to have a personal flavour of what science is like.
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