Title of Initiative / Project
Chemical engineering equipment and processes
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
The European Social Fund
Title of the project
Quality improvement of initial vocational training program implementation in Riga State Technical School
State Education Development Agency
Project number
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
Teaching material "Chemical engineering equipment and processes" is developed for chemical engineering profession students who pursue vocational education program "Chemical Technology", gaining qualifications - chemical technician. Material intended for the second, third and fourth-year students to have knowledge, to better understand and learn chemical engineering machines, equipment and processes, heating theoretical foundations, without which chemical industry can not get along.
More Information
Teaching material is printed book available in library of RSTS. It is important part of teaching and lerning process for teachers in different subjects related to Chemistry. Teaching material is useful for both teachers and students. The themes in chemistry are specific enough so that the material is needed and useful. It is available only in Latvian and useful for teachers and students in Latvia. If you are interested in this material, you should contact us www.rvt.lv.
Teachers’ Opinion
This type of learning material can be used for both special education, as well as some topics of general education, because of the modern chemical technologies included in educational standard. It is very positive that this training materials contain information about modern technology principles, apparatus and equipment operating principles, which helps to acquire knowledge in the specialization and enables to prepare computer presentations of the general education system. It may be useful for the preparation of project work, because the information provided by this study provides insight into the material in a very specific area.
Students’ Opinion
Material helps to study chemistry which is difficult. It is much easier to select the information to the project work, as in the guidance material issues are well explained.
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