Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Title of Initiative / Project
E-experience in physics
Name of Organiser
Politechnika Gdańska
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Human Capital Operational Programme (ESF)
Title of the project
E-experience in physics
Politechnika Gdańska
Project number
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Physics, Science
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The overall objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of the interest of secondary school students in science. The measure of success will be a.o.:
• frequent choice of science subjects at the matriculation examination,
• better results matriculation examination in physics,
• frequent continuation of education in technical fields.
The final outcome: A set of e-experience representing real-life experience. The final product consists of:
1) A set of 23 e-experiments in physics.
2) Description of an experience in the form of a manual containing descriptions of problems, suggestions for lesson plans, descriptions of the various variants of experiments.
3) The training programme for teachers.
More Information
“E-experience in physics” provides a set of 23 e-experience on topics related to physics such as: simple pendulum, optical bench, throws ( The application for e-experience could be used online or offline. Each topic has a small handbook with introduction and practical exercises with the use of e-experience application. Each topic also contains a guide how to use the application (here example of simple pendulum
The project also developed curriculum in physics for secondary schools with the use of e-experience (
The training programme for teachers was also developed to help them implement the e-experience in the school environment.
The website of the project also includes supplementary materials such as reports and research publications on the use ICT solutions and experience in science education (
The programme is complex and reliable to use in schools. It is very well developed in terms of design and didactic materials.
Teachers’ Opinion
E-experience in physics is a good teaching aid for teachers. It is important that each of the 23 topics developed is supported by thematic introduction, which facilitates the implementation in the class. On the basis of this application various experiments can be carried out. It allows to enter data and to observe the differences in the results. It is a good tool to encourage students to learn physics. Project website is very clear and user-friendly.
Students’ Opinion
The proposed experiments are interesting and help you understand the issues of optics, or dynamics. I think more such products should be developed to make learning easier. What is important, experiments can be performed at home and at any time. Not necessarily carried out in a laboratory in the school.

Comments on this Relevant initiatives

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Date: 2015.03.12

Posted by Silvia Gyurassova (Slovakia)

The project can increase students' interest in practical physics; it can motivate them to study sciences because by clear and well done experiments it gets their interests and also helps teachers by offering them 23 e-experiments with a theoretical introduction to the particular topic. I sure will try some experiments myself with my pupils during the lessons.

• What do you think are the possibilities of the selected project to be successful in increasing students' interest in studying science subjects?

Students - group of students
E-learning is nowadays more attractive for students than the traditional way of learning. Experiments done by this initiative are great, with interesting topics, practical and can be tried during the lessons or at home. Certainly, it will interest a lot of students and maybe also motivate them to further study of the physics.

Date: 2015.02.26

Posted by Mihaela Basu (Romania)

"E-experience in physics" is a good teaching aid for teachers; it has 23 e-experiences, which are accompanied by a teacher's guide and practical exercises.The instructions help the teacher to implement the experience in their own school environment.
The proposed experiments are interesting and help students understand physics better. The project website is clear and easy to follow.

Date: 2015.02.16

Posted by Sandis (Latvia)

This relevant initiative is very well projected. E-experiments are visualy interesting. Students can play with science experiments and see how things change by shanging parametrs. Students like corolfull and easy understandable pictures.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.