Title of Initiative / Project
Energy and employability - Local solutions for new challenges
Name of Organiser
Ies Rabida
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
LLP Comenius Multilateral Partnership
Title of the project
Project number
Type of deliverables
Video, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Technology, Science , Other
Language of the deliverable
Other EU, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, English, Other non EU
Description of the initiative
- The context
- This project focuses squarely on green issues and employability which is a key curricular issue, hitherto underdeveloped in many European countries, and suddenly all the more pertinent against the background of current global recession. Students from all Partner institutions will work as a 'Virtual Company of consultants' which will investigate and report on 'Renewable Energies' and their impact on job creation and economy within an European context. Our project plan will be interdisciplinary, with aims to combine Natural sciences with Social sciences as well as their impact on Economic and Employability issues.
- The activities
- Study renewable energy.
- Study and preparation of materials on solar energy.
- Study and preparation of materials on hydroelectric power.
- Development of informative films related to energy.
- Analysis of job opportunities in the renewable energy sector
- The aims
- The students will examine how renewable energies are being used (or not) in local and our partner countries looking at different types and developments of energy sources.
- They will research past, present and future challenges such as climate change, recycling and sustainable energy production and by working together in multinational groups they will produce final products. We will be focusing on developing skills, knowledge and attitudes that help prepare pupils for tomorrow's world of work. The results and consequences of our joint work effort will be discussed in each partner school. The purpose and role of these renewable energies will be closely looked at in an economical, social and natural context to measure the many expected advantages and potential disadvantages.
- The results achieved
- An Advertising Campaign will show the conclusions and recommendations of the Virtual Company of experts.
- Solar Energy Advantages Leaflet
- Presentation of Solar Energy Benefits and Results of First Questionaire
- Presentation Results of First Questionaire and short film on RES advantages
- E&E Questionaire on RES Results Presentation
- Leaflet Hydropower
- Leaflet Solar Power
- Final film "Energy & Employability"
Teachers’ Opinion
It is not only a project that could inspire us about new projects. It’s a project with conclusions that can be used in class. In this project, students have studied some renewable energies in all of the points of view: environment, local a global economy and employment. It’s a more realistic study than others that are focused only in the environment. They talk about advantages and disadvantages of each source of energy and the employment opportunities. High school students need inspiration to find what they want to study and this type of projects are good for this purpose.
Students’ Opinion
In this project they have done a very cool web page with a lot of information about the renewable energies. They have studied the differents sources of power, the advantage and disadvantages. This project is international, and this is good, because students and teachers can talk with other european partners. We can learn more if we work together and we can also learn other languages.
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