Title of Initiative / Project
GeoCapabilities 2: Teachers as curriculum leaders
Name of Organiser
Institute of Education, London
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Title of the project
GeoCapabilities 2: Teachers as curriculum leaders
Institute of Education, London
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology
Thematic area
Maths, Technology, Other
Language of the deliverable
Description of the initiative
Education research has confirmed the need for innovative approaches to teacher professional development and pre-service training, especially to improve teaching and learning in geography and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. In providing high quality teaching about complex issues in Europe, it is critically important for teachers to have sound content knowledge, pedagogical awareness, pedagogical content knowledge, curricular knowledge, and knowledge of learners to be effective in the classroom.
The primary objective of the GeoCapabilities 2: Teachers as curriculum leaders Comenius multilateral project will be to create a teacher training course to develop teachers as curriculum leaders in European geography education, through a ‘Capabilities’ approach. This approach asks teachers, curriculum developers and education policymakers to critically assess
the role of education in providing students with intellectual, moral, and existential capabilities for lifelong learning, economic and social agency in citizenship, and the pursuit of personal well-being.
The main outputs of the project will be to develop and pilot an online professional development communications platform for teacher preparation in geography.
This will supply resources (instructional materials, multimedia and Cloud-based communication tools) to enhance geography teacher preparation in
Europe and support trans-European collaborations and online exchanges among teachers and teacher professional development programs.
The impact of GeoCapabilities 2 will assist national systems by providing a
complementary approach to competence-based curricula, which too often focus on educational outputs at the expense of helping teachers reach a better understanding of educational aims. A ‘capabilities’ approach will therefore offer teachers a more holistic perspective of their discipline, thereby enhancing their capacities for leadership and curriculum making.
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As a partner I understood the need to work together as a team for finding the most appropriate teaching methods and understanding of the needs of students. Abreast of new ideas, or interactive methods, schools will be able to rethink effective strategies.
Teachers’ Opinion
Professor being, self-sufficiency is the most dangerous factor of professional development. Changing impressions on this platform we can interact, help illuminate, inspire students to create an effective educational act. Professional development programs are beneficial and dedicated to teachers who understand learning disabilities, and seek solutions to solve.
Students’ Opinion
The student will receive personal assistance from knowledgeable and dedicated teachers, so they manage to learn in their own style. Such competencies gained will be useful not only during the student's schooling but also the foundation for lifelong learning. It is comfortable for the child to understand that the teacher cares about its development.
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