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Date: 2015.04.07
Posted by Miroslav Mirchev (Bulgaria)
Times change very quickly and dynamically, what I like about this initiative is that they really understand this and try to find new ways for a common language with us students in new and more accessible way. TV programs are an integral part of everyday life and they use exactly this new tactic to attract the attention of new generations. This suits me really.
Date: 2015.04.07
Posted by Ioanna Dimitrova (Bulgaria)
Mathematics has always been one of the subjects, which is very difficult to comprehend. I think this initiative is very good, because it offers a different approach in teaching and learning maths.
Date: 2015.04.06
Posted by Angel Ivanov (Bulgaria)
The site is extremely useful, especially when it comes to mathematics and the possibility of an easy way for its understanding. Through entertainment mathematics is presented in a more lightweight version, accessible to all.
Date: 2015.04.06
Posted by Alex Stefanov (Bulgaria)
The project is very good and useful, because it offers a more easy and fun way of learning mathematics. In this way, students are stimulated and have fun while learning.
Date: 2015.04.06
Posted by Nikolay Mladenov (Bulgaria)
Thus the study of mathematics is much easier and interesting because in the studying process stories and events from our daily lives are used.
And these could be related not only to mathematics but also with other science subjects.
I think this is a very interesting, interactive and creative way to study mathematics or other related sciences.
Date: 2015.04.06
Posted by David Boychev (Bulgaria)
The manner in which the site presents the information makes it much more interesting. The approach used is very different from anything I have seen before in learning mathematics. When entertainment is involved, students are motivated more to learn even some of the hard lessons in mathematics, and as we know it is one of the most complex subjects in school.
Date: 2015.04.06
Posted by Aleksander Aleksandrov (Bulgaria)
New, easy, fun and useful method for the study of mathematics. Innovation in teaching. Through this site students will love this object, which as we know has always been one of the most difficult to comprehend.
Date: 2015.04.03
Posted by Ralitsa Tsibrova (Bulgaria)
Considering the fact that mathematics has always been one of the most difficult to understand subjects in school, I would say that the site would be extremely useful to change that. It facilitates the process of learning mathematics makes it easier to understand and hence students have become more interesting and to some extent are motivated to immerse themselves in deep, full of information the world of mathematics.
Date: 2015.04.02
Posted by Alex Yanudov (Bulgaria)
I always had difficulties with mathematics.Through this initiative I looked at maths in a different perspective.I think this project is good because it helps us learning our lessons in an easy and understandable way for us.
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31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.