Title of Initiative / Project
Mobile E-Novative Use of E- learning Technologies (MENUET)
Name of Organiser
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Transfer of Innovation
Title of the project
Mobile E-Novative Use of E- learning Technologies (MENUET)
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Thematic area
ICT, Science
Language of the deliverable
Bulgarian, Other EU, Romanian, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
One of the main aims/ objectives of the project is to study all relevant didactical concepts and methodologies in the field of mobile computer technology based learning, as well as in cognitive science. Another objective is to enlarge art and skills for teaching in the m-Learning era to develop and design on-line multimedia - rich content, on-line training resources and provide on-line test procedures.
Comprehensive guidelines that integrate learning drivers with enabling mobile technologies are prepared in order to provide a logical framework for promoting and coordinating new m-learning practices, well adapted to the needs of learners and teachers, all focusing on the European education and training aims.
The main results of the of the MENUET project are:
• 4 specialized courses centred on the training in the fields of energy conservation, energy management and environment protection, ODL-techniques, Web Design and E-commerce and best methodologies for developing, organizing, structuring and using advanced multimedia content.
• It will also make one step forward towards testing these technologies on mobile devices and wireless technologies (Bluetooth, IrDA, RF).
• Reports, interactive software packages using Flash, HTML and PHP technologies and E-Text Books for colleges, universities and corporate learners will be supplied.
More Information
Strengths: people can use mobile devices to access educational resources, connect with others, or create content, both inside and outside classrooms. Mobile learning also encompasses efforts to support broad educational goals such as the effective administration of school systems and improved communication between schools and families.
Weaknesses: the lack of devices...in Romania not everyone can afford one.
Teachers’ Opinion
Strengths: it is very useful because you can find in no time the information, the lesson is more attractive, the imagination is stimulated.
Weaknesses: the lack of experience in using the device.
Students’ Opinion
Strengths: it is very interesting to do your homework using this type of learning because is fun, fast, attractive, you can see and hear and the most important: you don't have to carry books, notebooks, etc.
Weaknesses: having the information it doesn't motivate to experience some things.
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