Title of Initiative / Project
Innovative teaching of mathematics and the creation of the SEP at the 2nd level of primary schools
Name of Organiser
Dr. Josef Raabe Slovensko, s.r.o.
Odborné nakladateľstvo
Člen skupiny Klett
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Language of the deliverable
Other EU
Description of the initiative
Objective: To teach trainees, teachers of mathematics, work with methods by which they can actively engage their students in the learning process and how to incorporate these methods into their own school curriculum.
Designed for: 2nd level elementary school teachers (teacher for lower secondary education) with qualifications for teaching mathematics
Type and form: update training, full-time
Scope: 30 hours
Method: interactive learning by experience
Curriculum content:
1. thematic unit
Today pupil, transition from passive learning to active learning
E - U - R - theory, demonstrations, training
Innovative methods (brainstorming, jigsaw learning, five leaf, ...), their use in mathematics
2. thematic unit
V - CH - D - theory, demonstrations, training
Innovative methods - training
SEP – meaning, help or burden
SEP - content and performance standards in mathematics
How to project a curriculum of mathematics to SEP - backwards planning method
Inclusion of cross-cutting themes in mathematics
Use of available hours with regard to mathematics
Creating the curricula - math, or. optional subject
3. thematic unit
Didactic games - theory
Didactic games – workshop
4. thematic unit
Problem teaching - theory
Problem teaching - workshop
The project method - theory
The project method - workshop
5. thematic unit
Summary of the importance of innovative teaching methods
Summary of SEP significance from the perspective of mathematics
More Information
The website provides a number of additional links and information for teachers and the general public, for example about the teacher´s card and all the benefits it provides - www.itic.sk, about creating interactive jobs - www.programalf.sk, about training for teachers -
http://www.skolskyportal.sk/skolenia, the literature for schools and teachers - www.preskoly.sk, about teaching modern and efficient -
Teachers’ Opinion
For me as a teacher of mathematics it is very interesting and useful site, which can be used in the preparation of my teaching of mathematics, e.g. how to plan math lesson, or what educational games can be used on a given topic, and especially how to adapt the topic to students and to their level of mathematics, which is still one of the most unpopular subjects for students. Very useful are also topics on project learning and problem-solving learning.
Students’ Opinion
I do not have much to write about it, because it is designed especially for teachers.
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