Title of Initiative / Project
Mathematics of another dimension - the organization of Polish Mathematical Championships for Children and Youth
Name of Organiser
Firma Edukacyjno-Wydawnicza ELITMAT Dariusz Kulma
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Web site
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Human Capital Operational Programme
Title of the project
Matematyka innego wymiaru - organizacja Matematycznych Mistrzostw Polski Dzieci i Młodzieży
Firma Edukacyjno-Wydawnicza ELITMAT Dariusz Kulma
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course, Didactical resource
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The main objective of the project is to improve the image of mathematics and to increase the interest of pupils / students in primary and secondary schools continuing education in sciences and related, where the key subject is mathematics through the development and implementation of an innovative system of teaching mathematics at extracurricular activities ELITMAT TEAM-LEADER-SPACE.
The final product: An innovative curriculum that is based on modern methods of learning using multimedia techniques and methods for effective learning. The final product consists of:
1) The incentive system for pupils and students in the form of groups ELITMAT TEAM
2) The incentive system for teachers and teachers - ELITMAT LEADER
3) Educational Portal ELITMAT SPACE, where teaching materials developed within the project are available
More Information
Portal of the Mathematics of another dimension project (
http://matematykainnegowymiaru.pl/sn/)contains a rich database of educational resources for teaching mathematics. These are: books, lesson plans, strategic and logical games, descriptive tasks, interactive tasks and animations.
Students can test their knowledge by participating in the mathematical championships organized every year
Students taking part in competitions have access to learning resources in order to better prepare for the championship. The winners receive prizes and can participate in workshops.
Teachers’ Opinion
Mathematical championship is a very important initiative, motivating students to learn by competition with their peers. In addition, teachers have access to modern teaching materials that can be used on extra-curricular math lessons, as well as other educational activities. The website is visually attractive and facilitates the work with gifted students (it includes materials and instructions helping to prepare for the mathematical competition and master the material).
Students’ Opinion
Mathematical competition is cool idea to test your knowledge and master the material. The competition gives the opportunity to expand the knowledge and develop mathematical skills. It's nice that you can win prizes. This raises motivation.
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Date: 2015.03.18
Posted by Aleksandra Pilc (Polska)
Portal Matematyka Innego Wymiaru zawiera ciekawe i atrakcyjne zasoby. Korzystałam z gier i planszy interaktywnych. Pozwala to zainteresować uczniów tematami i zaprezentować je w nietypowy sposób.Idea mistrzostw matematycznych też interesująca. Tego typu konkursy utrwalają wiedzę i motywują do nauki zdolnych uczniów.