Title of Initiative / Project
Science investigations
Name of Organiser
Carterton Primary School, Oxford
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Comenius multilateral partnerships
Title of the project
Science Investigations
Carterton Primary School, Oxford
Project number
Type of deliverables
Didactical resource
Thematic area
Biology, ICT, Science
Language of the deliverable
Other EU, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
This partnership project proposal is based around developing children's scientific knowledge and understanding by involving then in experiments and investigations. Our two year project plan aims to develop the children's knowledge and understanding of other countries and their cultures through Science investigations. We wrote this plan at our Preparatory Meeting on Tuesday 11th January 2011 with our prospective partners. The project plan has been put together with four areas that the children will experience. These areas will cover a six month period and will allow the children and their teachers to share their findings. We intend to use E-Twinning as our vehicle for ensuring effective communication between our schools. The four project areas will be: Electricity, The Human Body, The Earth and Beyond and Plants. Our main project aims are: * To increase motivation and enjoyment for the pupils and staff * To improve the knowledge, awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries. * To promote co-operation and to encourage pupil communication between schools. * To provide professional development for all staff. * To raise levels of pupil achievement and opportunities to acquire new knowledge, perspectives and skills. * To share new teaching methods and materials for staff. * To develop new perspectives on leadership and management issues for senior staff. * To engage in joint evaluations and self-assessment. * To engage the local community in the project. * To ensure that some pupils, staff and governors are engaged in visits to our partner schools to develop their understanding of their countries and cultures. Built into our project plans are mobilities for small groups of pupils who will work alongside the host children.
More Information
Developing children's scientific knowledge and understanding by involving them in experiments and investigations
Stimulating collaboration and communication among science teachers and students from several European countries
Engaging the local community
Takes time to spot the topics
Takes time to organize the investigation sessions
Takes time to build the working teams
Teachers’ Opinion
High transferability potential in the classroom
Extending student's scientific knowledge and understanding by involving them in experiments and investigations
Stimulating collaboration and communication among science teachers and students from several European countries (ideas, experiences, methods)
Engaging teachers and students in evaluations and self-assessment
Ensuring effective communication between schools by using modern technologies
Takes time to prepare science investigation sessions
Students’ Opinion
Attractive and accessible
Interesting/ challenging topics
Involving students in experiments and investigations
Enhancing communication among science teachers and students from several European countries
Stimulating students’ curiosity and creativity
Difficult to find a good partner to work with
Difficult to build and develop a team (problems with students’ availability)
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.02.16
Posted by Sandis (Latvia)
This initiative is very helpfull for students to better understad science and work in team. Biggest problem is to create students team in short time. I use similar working methods as discribed.