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Date: 2015.03.13
Posted by Dimitar Rangelov (Bulgaria)
I think a lot of students are bored when the lesson is explained without experiments.I like this initiative because it aims helping the community through educational games and plays.
In games you can learn physics in a much easier and more exciting way. Also, since the University of Turin offers plays that are actually laboratory experiments or experiences, showing examples of everyday life, which are controlled by physical laws. The playful approach does not change the teaching material just presents it more proactively.
In fact, this type of approach could be more interesting for students. It's good to have many more initiatives that help not only students but also teachers in this way.
Date: 2015.03.12
Posted by Silvia Gyurassova (Slovakia)
Games, set out in this project are actually physical experiments that playfully teach students particular regularities/laws of physics, using everyday experiences and their connection with physics. By playful way it motivates students to study science - especially physics. The pupils will certainly like to try it, because it allows them to "play during the lesson".
• What do you think are the possibilities of the selected project to be successful in increasing students' interest in studying science subjects?
Student - Klaudia Horváthová
I think it is a very good idea to use games and playing during learning. It also helps the teacher and makes it easier for him, because it gets the attention of students. Pupils can connect physics to everyday life, thus it motivates them to study. Visually, the website hasn’t been very attractive, but I really liked the project.
Date: 2015.03.11
Posted by Milena Gosheva (Bulgaria)
Learning by playing is the best way to learn. Thus younger students touch gradually big science issues, without fuss and tension, without undue influence. The experiment following the theory is a way to arouse students' interest in physics.
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Francisco Herenas Ramos - Spain
It's really great to explain the students the ALU and UC using meals to represent the functionality of this computer parts.
This model can help the s......
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Dissemination Seminar in Florence
31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.