Title of Initiative / Project
eKabinet. cz
Name of Organiser
Edulogy, s.r.o.
Start and ending date of the Initiative
20.10.2013 – 30.6.2014
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Language of the deliverable
Other EU
Description of the initiative
Educational portal eKabinet.cz is operated by EDULOGY, s.r.o. It was designed primarily for schools and teachers who are looking for new and innovative ways of teaching and their students. The portal aims to provide schools, teachers and pupils with high quality, attractive and motivating educational materials to streamline and modernize the educational process.
Educational portal eKabinet.cz is a comprehensive tool for teachers, which is used to prepare teaching materials for work with pupils during lessons and subsequently in control of the homeworks made by students.
Educational materials
Educational portal eKabinet.cz contains more than 40,000 educational materials in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, natural history, science, English and other subjects that are accessible online. The educational materials consist of multimedia content processed in the form of videos, animations, simulations, 2D and 3D models, photographs, images, interactive exercises and supplementary materials. Materials on the website are accessible divided by subject and level.
Tools for Teachers
The portal eKabinet.cz brings teachers a wide range of educational materials use. Each teacher has the opportunity to create their lesson plans in the form of presentations suitable for use with an interactive whiteboard or data projector. In addition to educational materials placed on the portal eKabinet.cz, you can incorporate into your lesson preparation also your own materials or links to other websites. Thus you will get a comprehensive set of teaching materials to suit both your needs and the needs of your students within a particular lesson.
For the active involvement of students in the lesson, the teacher can use an interactive exercise from the prepared presentation as well as tasks oriented for individual work of the students.
Objectives of the program
Promoting the use of digital technologies in the teaching process.
Supporting active school principals and teachers in their effort to exploit digital technology education in their schools.
Promoting popularization of the use of digital learning technologies in the teaching process among the teachers, children, parents, and even the general public.
Creating innovative and professional counseling center with links to schools.
Increasing incentives for companies to corporate social responsibility.
Benefits and support for the schools
The first 500 schools registered in the program get free access for the entire school to more than 40,000 educational materials on educational portal eKabinet.cz until the end of the school year 2013/2014.
Free training and workshops on working with a digital educational content.
Financial support for teachers aimed for creating the digital educational content.
Valuation of directors who are actively involved in the digitization of their school.
The possibility of obtaining benefits from the program partners.
The possibility to participate in competitions with valuable prizes.
More Information
EDULOGY Company, Ltd. operates in the field of e-learning and focuses on the creation of digital educational content and e-learning technologies for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, institutions and the general public. More information and links can be found at - www.edukology.cz, www.facebook.com/ekabinet and www.youtube.com/ekabinet
Teachers’ Opinion
Excellent Czech portal focused on teaching science subjects. For me as a teacher of chemistry there is a lot of very well distributed information how to prepare a chemistry lesson for every topic, there are more than 2000 chemicals topics including some in Slovak language. Also animations and other ideas for chemistry lessons are really good.
Students’ Opinion
It is a good site for us too, especially thanks to illustrations and animations from each particular science subject for better understanding of the different topics.
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