Title of Initiative / Project
Name of Organiser
Start and ending date of the Initiative
since 2005
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Online course, Video
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
Tuul web portal helps teachers who want to teach modern and well. Within this portal there are online educational materials created. The teachers use them in teaching at school and at home. It is a portal where the teachers can create new online educational materials and as well upload them online to make the sources available to all other teachers, either directly through this website or through social networks that are connected to the web. The web portal can be shared by teachers as well as by the pupils. All the materials are practically applicable directly in the class, especially in the subject of science. The web is mainly focused on online materials and videos. Teachers and their pupils can send suggestions to the tasks, submitting their own ideas, videos and teaching materials. On the web there are also projects that are focusing on presentation of individual schools and institutions as well as educational projects.
More Information
Excellent web page for inovative teaching on which teachers and students can find all scientific topics from infrom of exercices, tests, videos, etc This web is directly manage company AGEMSOFT - www.agemsoft.sk,. Teachers can go to the web page direct thrue www.tuul/ucitelske-tuuly, and fo students www.tuul/ziacke-tuuly and for next links to projects and schools.
Teachers’ Opinion
It is a very good site where I as a teacher of biology found a lot of links for useful topics that I teach e.g. structure of the Earth, environmental problems with the pollution, natural themes, etc. I mostly appreciate that the topics are treated wonderfully, they are very illustrative, and there are examples, tests, videos as well as basic theoretical information on each topic which allows me as a teacher to prepare an hour in a way that I use ICT technology for the most of the time.
Students’ Opinion
• Strengths and weaknesses - more visual teaching, teaching on- line, access to a lot of new materials, we can upload materials created by us,
• What is interesting for you - new forms of teaching, videos, own ideas
• What can teacher use for teaching from the project - often in the computer classroom, some lessons we have in a large classroom where only the teacher uses PC, we do not work with PCs individually
• What would students use from the project - increasing computer literacy, faster acquisition of knowledge, better understanding of the many actions around us
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.03.01
Posted by Cristina Smirnov (Romania)
The site is excellent:it can be shared by teachers and pupils. All the materials are practically applicable directly in science classes. The web is mainly focused on online materials and videos. It helps teachers create new online educational materials. It also provides teachers with good links to other websites of interest.