Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Relevant initiatives

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Title of Initiative / Project
Physik in sport
Name of Organiser
The project was conducted with a support of (IMST-Fonds) S6 "Anwendungsorientierung und Berufsbildung'' IMST - Fund S6 ''The use orientation and profession preparation''
Start and ending date of the Initiative
school year 2006/2007
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Didactical resource
Thematic area
Language of the deliverable
Other EU
Target Group
Description of the initiative
The aim of the project was to increase the popularity of ''Physics'' as a subject and thereby increase the pleasure of learning this subject. The effort was to reduce the overall negative image of physics, or unpopular theme cycles like ''mechanics'', for example. It was done by combining sports with physics, allowing students to see that physics is not only about boring formulas, but it helps us to clarify the phenomena that are a standard part of our every day lives. Students appreciated this project. Their interest in physics grew by 50%.
More Information
Very interesting portal especially today when sport is very popular for students. This portal shows that physics education can be more interesting and popular when is connected to interesting topic as sport with videos, exercises etc. On this portal you can find tracker:
Tracker is a free video analysis and modeling tool built on the Open Source Physics (OSP) Java framework. It is designed to be used in physics education.Tracker video modeling is a powerful new way to combine videos with computer modeling. For more information seeParticle Model Help or AAPT Summer Meeting posters Video Modeling (2008) and Video Modeling with Tracker (2009).
Teachers’ Opinion
As a teacher of physics, I must admit that as motivation this topic is very interesting especially among students - boys. Some topics of physics really could be explained better, perhaps more clearly, e. g. principle of movement and speed. In addition students learn how to work with devices that measure the quantity as well as video analysis of the exercise. The problem is, as indicated on the web, software which is required for the evaluation of measured values.
Students’ Opinion
For the first time we could try what we have so far only heard or read; and it is an accurate measurement of sports performance. It approached me physics more than before and it was interesting.

Comments on this Relevant initiatives

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Date: 2015.02.26

Posted by Smirnov Cristina (Romania)

The portal is interesting and somehow unusual. It tries to make physics accessible and easy by bringing it closer to sports. It is something new and intriguing which makes you think. It shows you very clearly how important physics is if you want to know what is behind some natural phenomena.

Date: 2015.02.16

Posted by Artūrs (Latvia)

It is an innovative idea. Students are interested in attending physical culture lessons and improve their results. They analyze their results according to mechanics.Their motivation grew because they apply physics in physical culture.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.