Title of Initiative / Project
Name of Organiser
The Malta Council for Science and Technology
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
FP7 Supporting and coordinating action (Call SiS-2010-
Title of the project
The Malta Council for Science and Technology
Project number
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Language of the deliverable
Bulgarian, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Other EU, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, English, Other non EU
Description of the initiative
PRI-SCI-NET is an EU funded FP7 Supporting and coordinating action (Call SiS-2010- on innovative methods in science education: teacher training on inquiry based teaching methods on a large scale in Europe. The project is coordinated by the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and has 17 partners from 14 countries.
The project promotes Inquiry-based learningapproach among primary teachers teaching science to young children in the age range of 3-11 years. The inquiry approach involves the active engagement of children in the learning process with emphasis on observations and achieved through authentic and problem based learning activities where there is no need to get the correct.Children draw conclusions on the evidence collected. It promotes student autonomy, involves discursive argumentation and communication with peers (talking science), self regulated learning, social interaction and collaboration.
The aim is to provide training and professional support to teachers to help them use Inquiry based learning in Science in schools.
The project Pri-Sci-Net will produce the following activities:
• Development and publication of 45 science teaching activities using IBSE in 15 different languages;
• Recognition of Excellence for teachers implementing IBSE at primary;
• Four 20-hour national training on IBSE at different levels for teachers and teacher-trainers in each of the 13partner countries;
• Three international teacher-training courses;
• The creation of a virtual European network platform for teachers and researchers in primary science;
• An online newsletter and a research journal on IBSE in primary science;
A virtual platform set up at European level will network professionals as well as support the organisation of training courses.The project will also recognise teachers’ and researchers’ achievements in implementing Inquiry-based learning in science at primary level, as well as provide an opportunity for teachers and academics across Europe to share their experiences and successes.
More Information
The project offers very interesting for learning materials. It is perfectly structured activities for children to learn through their own experience. The activities are very stimulating for children. The aim of the project group are children under 11 years
Moreover, to download the activities you have to register on the website so it is somewhat cumbersome.
Seminars for teachers were also conducted to train them in the methodology. presentation and seminar program is very good and is supported by specialists.
Teachers’ Opinion
The activities to perform in the classroom are very detailed and well specified. I speak very good materials for teaching science facilitate the work of the teacher.
Students’ Opinion
The experimental activities like children very much and keep their attention.
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