Title of Initiative / Project
E-Teacher of Environment. Integrated learning environment for the development of scientific thinking, information literacy and language skills of pupils at II and III stage
Name of Organiser
Adam Mickiewicz University
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Human Capital Operational Programme
Title of the project
E-nauczyciel przyrody. Zintegrowane środowisko edukacyjne dla rozwijania myślenia naukowego, umiejętności informacyjnych oraz kompetencji językowych uczniów II i III etapu edukacyjnego
Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology
Thematic area
Physics, Biology, Science
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
E-Teacher of Environment. Integrated learning environment for the development of scientific thinking, information literacy and language skills of pupils at II and III stage of education funded under the Operational Programme Human Capital and the European Social Fund assumed the development and pilot implementation of an innovative curriculum of science (physics, chemistry, biology and nature in schools basic) modeling technique based on the dialogue in the classroom Questioning the Author and e-learning platform BLT VHT which are included educational multimedia materials made in Flash.
E-learning platform provides an environment in which students while additional classes (45 minutes per week) acquainted with aspects of physics, chemistry, biology and nature. The learning process was based on discussions with the teacher during which methods were used assumptions Questioning the Author (QTA) and advanced Flash animations in which virtual teacher Monika presenting selected issues natural. The platform is also equipped with a module for teaching English vocabulary associated with the phenomena of nature and the module mini-WWW, which is a database of articles on this issue equipped with a search engine articles.
Teachers’ Opinion
E-teacher of Environment is an interesting initiative. The strategy of using multimedia to teach science can be used both in primary and secondary schools. To facilitate the use of the resources you can use the guide. The entire material is attractive and ready to use in school. Interesting lesson scenarios may be useful to every teacher.
Students’ Opinion
The site contains useful materials for learning biology, chemistry and physics. E-tutorials are designed in an attractive way. Presentations show natural phenomena in interesting way. A good option is to search engine if you are looking for information on the topic.
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.03.12
Posted by Viera Kolbaska (Slovakia)
My approbation is mathematics, but I looked through the description of the project with interest and then I looked through the materials from the website of the University which realized the project. I think that offered methodological materials for teachers prepared on the basis of lessons via E-teacher are in my view on the excellent level; appropriately written also for teachers-beginners; they are containing everything that teacher needs to know. I haven´t given the opportunity to students to rate this project, I have just described them the other possible way of teaching.