Title of Initiative / Project
Serious Games for Social & Creativity Competence
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Lifelong Learning Programme
Title of the project
Serious Games for Social & Creativity Competence
Project number
Type of deliverables
On-line Game
Language of the deliverable
Bulgarian, Other EU, English
Description of the initiative
This project is dedicated to conceptualisation and development of social competence in terms of training related to adult education, school curricula and professional development through the creation of serious games and other exercises that make use of ICT. A set of training materials on social competences and creativity using 3D scenarios, web and mobile games has been created in English, Bulgarian, German, Dutch, Turkish, Serbian & Lithuanian.
Learners will be faced with contextualised, unstructured problems and will be asked to investigate how social competence may help achieve meaningful solutions that feed directly into the game play. We are using a contemporary 3D gaming environment populated by user-driven characters, and non-player characters to create a range of realistic & engaging SC scenarios.
More Information
This methodology provides for the use of IT. Maybe an interesting approach, but it can not provide the understanding of complex topics.Can be used by teachers who do not work a certain school.Persons with special needs. Guidance counselors parents and other interested personas.Resource could be a little more scientific.
Teachers’ Opinion
Very good approach for individual tasks. Individuals gain new and strengthen already existing knowledge in a creative way. It keeps students focused therefore it is more efficient, especially when working with disadvantaged people. Site structure and existing materials is a good resource for all teachers.
Students’ Opinion
This game could helps me deal with my disadvantages and I’m now more confident.
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