Title of Initiative / Project
Ecology united:all people for an open and rich Europe
Name of Organiser
Colegio La Inmaculada Misioneras Seculares de Jesús Obrero
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Title of the project
Ecology United:all People for an Open and Rich Europe
Colegio La Inmaculada Misioneras Seculares de Jesús Obrero
Project number
Type of deliverables
Video, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Biology, Technology, ICT, Science , Other
Language of the deliverable
Bulgarian, Italian, Other EU, Slovak, Spanish, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
Renewable energy has become a priority for some governments and emerging economies. Countries are increasingly recognizing the potential role of it within a portfolio of low-carbon and cost-competitive energy technologies capable of responding to the new major challenges of climate change, energy security, and access to energy. This has encouraged the 8 partners from different regions of Europe to design a project aimed at promoting knowledge and understanding of the importance of environmental education, the devastating effects of pollution and traffic and how renewable energies could be a way out. Students and teachers will work together, and with the other partners, on topics which are both important in EU politics and also interesting for students. Each school will concentrate on their own country's political position to this matter and joint research into what happens elsewhere.
- Our main aim is to engage all school community in environmental issues by raising awareness of the importance of looking after our environment to preserve it for future generations and participating in environmental activities ( experiments ,crafts with trash..). This way we will try to develop a culture of sustainability.
- Besides,this project will be used as an opportunity to cultivate the ‘Council of Europe’s’ concept of plurilingualism i.e. the facility to operate in the languages of the environment without necessarily being fluent in them.
- Students will gain an appreciation and deeper understanding of each other's culture , apart from, strengthening the students' knowledge of their own cultural identities, by means of dances, exchanging songs, traditional games...
-Planting of a tree in each school.
- Quizzes on environment
- Video advertising ways of improving our local areas,schools and homes from a 3 Rs ( reduce, reuse, recycle) point of view.
-Portfolio with research at home, school and local area on the 3 Rs
- Reports on what the students learnt from the experts.
- Website dedicated to the Comenius project
- Multicultural calendar.
- Enviromental activities.
-A multicultural calendar: Each partner country contributed one tradition for each month of the year
- Project Website
- ETWINNING as official web site.
- Dictionary and Eco Dictionary
- Enviromental activities.: A tree was planted
- Enviromental quizzes and games
More Information
Very interesting multidisciplinary project. The environment is one of the best topics for a project. It involves ecology, biology, chemistry and many other ciencies. But in an european project, it gains in languages and social values.
The main web page (
http://ecologyunited.tk/ ) is out of date and incomplete. It has a link to a twin space:
http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p90672/welcome with more information.
The information is in forums. There are some activities, but is difficult to find them. The activities are in .docx and other proprietary formats and you have to download each of them. It seems more a work place during the project than a external web for other people. The web, in conclusion, is not complete and difficult to use.
But when you expend some time downloading activities you realized that is a good project with a good idea.
Teachers’ Opinion
I can’t find more than good ideas in the aims of the project, but the resources available are poor. If i have to judge the project for the description, is very good. But external teachers would like to have the experiences and activities more accessible. Maybe is because is not finished and they are waiting for join all the resources better.
I found some puzzles and awareness activities. But I miss more real environmental actions like plant trees, make power saving projects for the schools, studying the environmental and economical impact of alternative energies...
Students’ Opinion
Is a good project, because or environment is one of the most important things. We have to respect the nature. They have done very interesting things, like plant a tree and separate waste. In our schools, the teachers say us how to respect the environment, but we liked to participate in this kind of projects with children of other countries and to do activities out of the school.
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.02.25
Posted by Inga Mateusa-Krūkle (Latvia)
This project is very attractive to me as environmental chemistry teacher, and its aim is very topical and motivating. I think it is very important for today's students to explain today's global situation and future consequences. This project has brought together the various environmental reference materials from several European countries . It is important to be aware of environmental and ecological situation in each country , and to obtain information on the most pressing environmental problems. What with this project could certainly be implemented.
The project site contains a variety of interesting environmental games, which I could certainly use in my subject to interest students.
Overall, this project has a future if further work will be enhanced website resources.
Date: 2015.02.16
Posted by Artūrs (Latvia)
It will be more informative if it is available in more pages. As far as I see it seems nice to plant a tree and to combine renewable resources with ecology.The children will start to think about energy and its uses in everyday life.