Title of Initiative / Project
Multimedia in teaching chemistry
Name of Organiser
University of P.J.Šafárik Prešov
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Online course, Didactical resource
Language of the deliverable
Description of the initiative
This study materials "Multimédiu in teaching chemistry" was developed during the project "Neue Unterrichtsformen und Verfahren im Chemieunterricht" Austrian Institut for south and southeast Europe. This material presented new approach and view on everdy day change work of teacher and student by teaching chemistry by using ITC technologies.
Authors of this study materials have abitions to collect and prepare this materials as very good and understanding and as inspriration and guide thrue new aplications ITC resorces in teaching chemistry.
We will say and wish that all this new information should help teachers and shopuld be inspiration and impulz for active using of ITC technologies in teaching chemistry.
Teachers’ Opinion
Multimedia teaching is in my opinion very helpful for teachers. All grades of schools are gradually being equipped with modern didactic technologies, but it is not considered to be a contribution by all the teachers. Mostly older teachers are strictly for using only traditional techniques and forms. Computers and technologies are their enemies. In comparison, for students it is the equipment and technologies through which we can get their interest, motivate and mobilize them. The current youth uses multimedia in their everyday life, so it is natural that they enjoy it also in the learning process. Personally, I like to use modern teaching methods because this way teacher shows to students that he/she is able to learn and adapt to new trends as well as they are.
Students’ Opinion
Lessons on which teachers use multimedia, such as interactive whiteboard, are much more interesting than the classic ones. I always wait what will appear, I like to go to the board, and it’s interesting for me. At the same time we also work with the Internet, we can immediately confirm the information we get and therefore we can better remember what we have learned. In addition, we have a much cleaner environment.
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