Title of Initiative / Project
The European energy quest
Name of Organiser
Colegio Salesianos Ntra. Sra. Del Pilar
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
LLP Comenius Multilateral Partnership
Title of the project
Colegio Salesianos Ntra. Sra. Del Pilar
Project number
Type of deliverables
Video, On-line Game
Thematic area
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Technology, ICT, Science , Other
Language of the deliverable
Bulgarian, Italian, Other EU, Spanish
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
- The context
We want to create growing energy awareness and induce our students to become well informed, responsible energy consumers with an interest in sustainable development, that relies on efficient, less contaminating technologies. Students will also learn about the important role renewable energies are bound to play in the European Union’s plight for reducing energy dependency on other countries.
The innovative approach of our project, which involves a wide range of aspects from natural (physics, chemistry, technology, biology) to social sciences (politics, geography) and languages, lies in the methodology of problem based learning including field research, which will finally lead to an attractive product designed by the students themselves: A strategic game with the title – The European Energy Quest.
- The activities
- Technical Report Virtual Album
- Technical Visit to CIRCE (Center for Research Resources and Energy Consumption)
- Technical Visit Biomass Plant "La Almozara"
- Technical Visit Geothermal Plant "Liceo Europa"
- Technical Visit Hydroelectric Plant Biescas
- Technical Visit to Open cast mine Garzweiler
- Technical Visit DLR German Aerospace Center
- Technical visit Wind Farm (Topo) Azores - Portugal
- Technical visit Wave Energy Center (Pico) Azores - Portugal
- Technical Visit Hydroelectric Plant Cherni Osum - Bulgaria
- Technical Visit Photovoltaic Park Samovodene - Bulgaria
- Technical Visit Biomass Plant "Farm of the Piana" Reggio Calabria - Italy
- Question and Geopolitical Factors
- Proposal for the game EEQ
- EEQ Strategy Game
- EEQ strategy game rules
- Multimedia presentation of the school, country and culture
- The aims
- • Knowledge european power plants and the technology used
• Knowledge of the benefits of renewable energy
• Improved efficiency in power plants
• Study of geopolitical factors affecting energy
• Elaboration of an album and a strategy game "The Race for the conquest of renewabe energy"
- The results achieved
- EEQ Strategy Game
- Logos
- Poster
- Web Page "European Energy Quest"
- Multimedia presentation of the school, country and culture
- Video Comenius EEQ
More Information
The project is a partnership of different secondary schools to study problems and solutions related to energy managment in europe. The goal is to make students aware of the problems that the society faces as traditional sources of energy are becoming scarce, pollutant and dangerous. By investigating and visiting power plants, the students and teachers build a complete knowledge of many aspects of energy managment, from technical to geopolitical points of view.
The project has created a series of documents describing each power plant visited under a common set of benchmarks and data. But ultimately, the final product is a game, designed by all the partners.
All the data collected, together with the game can be accessed through their single page web:
http://www.salesianosinformatica.com/eeq/# specially in the "products/results" menu
Teachers’ Opinion
This project is very interesting. The idea of visiting several power plants and compare their inputs and outputs, their carbon footprint, and other elements, gives a better comprehension of the problems that energy production has. The reports about each power plant are useful to teach the students and let them make further investigation to know every collected data meaning.
Actually, we would like to have a project like this that gave us the opportunity of visiting ourselves nearby power plants.
Students’ Opinion
This project has been interesting because we never had these concepts presented the way that we've seen here. It has been a bit difficult to understand what the teacher wanted to do, but in the end we have learned a lot about energy production and green power plants.
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.03.18
Posted by Kamila Pawenta (Poland)
European Energy Quest is well developed. The game that raises the awareness of ecological isues and energy is great way to introduce these topics to school kids. The other resources such RES site visits are also interesting.
Date: 2015.03.03
Posted by Maite Chirivella (Spain)
An interesting project with some results and materials that we can use directly.
The most interesting thing I found are the board games that we can print.
It seems a good project well done.