Title of Initiative / Project
Our planet under pressure
Name of Organiser
Kauno rajono Garliavos vidurine mokykla
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Comenius Multilateral Partnership
Title of the project
Our planet under pressure
Kauno rajono Garliavos vidurine mokykla
Project number
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology
Thematic area
Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Science , Other
Language of the deliverable
Other EU, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The main aims of the project which is called "Our Planet Under Pressure" were to attract students' attention to the ecological problems of waste and to get and share experiences between the partners of the project. In subjects like Science, Geography, Physics, Chemistry and English teachers organized visits so that students could leave classrooms in theory and could get in touch aspects related to the topic "Environment". By experiencing different situations in reality learning became easier and teaching more motivating. Students easily developed the capacity to present conclusions, solutions or simply give some opinions. We must admit the strong impact the hands-on activities had on students. They showed a real interest in collecting data and running their part in the projects with a professional attitude, proud to show the results to their partners. They improved their skills in IT as well, and took part in the common blog, made on purpose by the Lithuanian partners. Portuguese partners edited the booklet of the project as a final product where the most significant events were represented by all three participating countries. All the participating students compiled the storyboards where students gave their reflection and feedback on the project. The questionnaires helped the teachers to find out the impact of the project to the school community and to the students themselves. By being actively engaged in this project teachers experienced a friendlier and closer involvement with their students, shared teaching methodologies and strategies with their peers from the participating countries and got in touch with new realities by visiting partner schools. This kind of project gave us opportunity of visiting other European countries and of being aware of different cultures and traditions. Students progressed in English becoming more and more confident in expressing themselves. A lot of activities involved students, parents, local authorities and enterprises.
More Information
Specific training material useful as an illustrative tool for the learning process.Suitable for teachers in lessons and extra-curricular nodarbībās Good didactic training material.
However, require a little more scientific approach
However, require a little more scientific approach
Teachers’ Opinion
The project provides after-school activities. More related to environment. Possible to be used as a tool in a number of subjects. However, as a comprehensive study material is not useful, but as part of the learning process. The project focuses on the ecology and recycling. However, it's primarily targeted at pupils in primary school.
Students’ Opinion
Study trips are an interesting way to show the theory and practice related to real life.
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.03.28
Posted by Elena Margheri (Italy)
Even if created by preteen students, the initiative is really helpful also with students of different ages. It is a reconfirm that the meeting with different realities and people from other countries has the effect of improve students’ motivation. Moreover it helps them to develop their skills in every sector.
Date: 2015.02.22
Posted by Massimo Amato (Italy)
The environment must always be relevant for all of us, for our students.
This initiative allows you to create a sense and a "taste" bio and echo so that students can improve their idea in the study and possibly change their vision of career study.
Probably I test this initiative like or similar the downloaded booklet of Ms. Caputo Sonia.
Date: 2015.02.16
Posted by Sandis (Latvia)
Main aim of this project is important and usefull but there is no atractive project title and homepage could be more interesting.