Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Title of Initiative / Project
Yourvid YESdigital
Name of Organiser
Spanish Confederation of Training Centers
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
LLP Leonardo Transfer of Innovation
Title of the project
Yourvid YESdigital
Spanish Confederation of Training Centers
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology, Video
Thematic area
Language of the deliverable
Italian, Other EU, Spanish, Other non EU
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
- The context
To create an attractive dig VET for teachers and students is one of the main goal of Yourvid YESdigital. In economical crisis times and with a rate of young unemployment raising every day is very important to promote VET education, linking this education with interactive, visual and collaborative technologies and methodologies. To transfer ENERGY EDU-VIDEO to VET EDU-VIDEO in this project is not only to contribute to the quality of education, is also to make all the subjects in VET education more attractive and accessible for students and teachers.
The activities
- Online training course and pilot
- Website and Elearning Platform
- Video training and online tools for VET
- Collected information and adaptation to VET, with an e-Guide.
- Skype meeting individual
- Chat Facebook group.
The aims
The concrete aims of YOURVID YESdigital project is to improve the use of ICT in VET schools mainly by using a PBL methodology that will integrate ICTs tools and devices, such as digital video and social networks. At the same time we would like to attract the attention an motivation of VET´s students to the green economy by transfering and online course in the field of Sustainable Energy.
We have objectives in 5 areas :
1.-Methodology: to improve the use of PBL
2.-Digital video: to encourage students and techers to use digital video for educational purposes
3.-Social networks: to use social networks to share information and ideas in the market place
4.-E-learning contents: to promote the use of e-learning in VET
5.-Green skills: to raise the understanding and knowledge about the new green economy
Working in this areas we assure that we will link with the priorities of the LdV programm
- .The results achieved
A report about the use of PBL in European VET education
An e-learning platform with courses about digital video, sustainable energy and social networks
An E-guide in for use PBL in VET translated to partner´s language
A video repository with examples in different subjects interesting for VET
More Information
This project, centered on Vocation Educational Training, is very interesting and its areas of interest play a key role in the modern methodology applied in classes. It brings together new technologies with a more natural way of learn through problem solving, which is the basis for vocational training. It can be taken as an update for every teacher in these fields.
The project site is mainly filled with videos which show the training and tutorials included in the project. But also there is a description of the methodology in a dedicated area:
You can find:
An e-learning area
A e-guide
The main videos are grouped in one page:
The PBL methodology is treated as well:
A collection of selected videos related to the project:
Teachers’ Opinion
The point of this project is to provide better ways to achieve progress in students at class by doing discovering during solving problmes. The methodology is know already. But the idea of including e-learning and video and mix them is new and it is what this project has shown to us. The main problems are however that a bit of knowledge and training is necessary to make these activities (mainly making videos). And the students lose focus on important concepts sometimes in favour of lesser important things. But overall, the experience is encouraging and prone to better results. It is expected that, over the time, these methodology matures and produces even better products.
Students’ Opinion
Students are suprisingly more ready than first expected to work with these methods. They find it natural to use new technologies, like e-learning and video. Therefore they find it easy and exciting to use them for academic purposes. That, and PBL transforms classes in something total fun. They wish all subjects could undergo this methodology

Comments on this Relevant initiatives

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Date: 2015.03.03

Posted by Jose Luís Aznar (Spain)

The aims of the project are the good approach to the use of new technologies in classroom.
I like the PBL methodology. Sometimes I used something similar.
Using social networks is necessary nowadays and students are used to them.
The e-learning is not a new idea today, but we have to improve the methodologies. This project seems to go in the right direction.

Date: 2015.03.01

Posted by Petru raducanu (Romania)

The site focuses on VET education, aiming at providing teachers with the right interactive, visual and collaborative technologies and methodologies. The activities are engaging and make learning attractive and pleasant.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.