Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Relevant initiatives

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Title of Initiative / Project
Looking for Einstein - Academy of Science
Name of Organiser
Kuratorium Oświaty w Warszawie
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
Human Capital Operational Programme
Title of the project
Szukając Einsteina - Akademia Umysłów Ścisłych
Kuratorium Oświaty w Warszawie
Project number
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Video, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Chemistry, Maths, Physics
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The overall objective of the Project is to increase students' interest in launching studies in sciences and natural sciences.

The final product:
1) The curriculum taking into account the change of the core curriculum of science teaching and the inclusion of wide range of holistic approach.
2) The computer system based on a core curriculum that will help teachers in the holistic identification of issues similar or converging to discussed by them at a particular lesson.
3) The method of enabling materials to promote popular science. The assumption is that no promotional campaign (posters, TV spots) do not give such effect to arouse keen interest in science.
More Information
The project created valuable didactic materials. The portal contains interesting lectures (they are filmed and could be watched during the lessons). What is more the descriptions of the topics are also included: The material is comprehensive. It could be used by teachers of chemistry, mathematics and physics.
The section with didactic materials includes materials for teachers and students It contains methodology and handbook for teachers how to use this materials in the classroom. Students can find there handbook with various exercises.
Teachers’ Opinion
A good source of information. The project presents a holistic approach to science education. The script is helpful in creating lesson plans. Students can watch the lectures at home if they haven't remembered the issues.
Students’ Opinion
Videos of the lectures are interesting. Topics presented in an appealing way. It could be useful for learning.

Comments on this Relevant initiatives

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Date: 2015.03.18

Posted by Aleksandra Pilc (Polska)

Uważam, że materiały dydaktyczne są dobrze opracowane i dostosowane do podstawy programowej szkół. Wykłady wideo są ciekawym uzupełnieniem.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.