Title of Initiative / Project
Sciences at school
Name of Organiser
Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei” - Ancona
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Teaching Methodology, Video, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Biology, ICT, Science
Language of the deliverable
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The students are the main actors of the Sciences at School project. They uploaded all the material becoming really 2.0 science communicator.
The students performed the following activities: a) drafting of texts like laboratorial courses, exercises, news items; b) recording of photographic and video material; c) wiki-type online collaboration.
The activities have been coordinated and supervised by the editorial director prof. Lombardo.
The objectives of the project were: a better awareness on the different phases that lead to the science communication; a better inclination to team-working; the acquisition of the didactic method called cooperative learning.
The methodologies are incidental to the mean itself: students made the material available to the users that often are students themselves.
To perform this task the students used a CMS (a content management system developed for the online sharing) and picture and video editing software.
The results of the Science at School project are now online. Whoever was interested in the subject can find a rich archive of Lessons, Laboratories, Exercises and Tests on many topics on Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Natural Science.
Teachers’ Opinion
This website has a very simply approach with only few key topics from with to start.
The exercises are really useful. Even if they have not online revision, they can be proposed as peer-to-peer work instead of the classical textbook-based one. Students are also more motivated by the new methodology.
The section on the laboratorial experiments provides a number of hints, above all in the framework of problem solving acivivies. The part on the video-lessons looks like very interesting to be proposed to students for reviewing, recheck and rethink to the same topics dealt with in class.
As a whole I think the contents of this portal, even if not numerous, are easily transferable to and usable by first two years high school students (up to third year VET students).
Students’ Opinion
The visual impact is pleasant, graphically interesting and well organised (even if someone of us find the colours a bit boring). The website is rich of interactive material which is both easy to understand and exhaustive.
Each subject is in depth dealt with and the written presentations are easy to read.
The exercises are useful, above all the tests on self-evaluation that have medium-high difficulty level. As proposal for improvement, these exercises might be self-executable online instead of giving the possibility to download them.
The experiments are presented in an accurate and interesting way.
The videos, above all those of Astronomy, have been very much appreciated.
Looking for topic is simple and the item “cosa c’è di nuovo” (“what’s new”) is useful because is connected with the topic you are currently consulting.
Some factors that positively stroke the students’ feeling are the presence of the date of the publications, the name of the authors and the availability of the scientific glossary.
The overall opinion is much positive and we suggest this website for students and teachers.
Comments on this Relevant initiatives
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Date: 2015.03.28
Posted by Chiara Cheti (Italy)
The initiative is relevant because it involves the students directly, allowing them to become the main decisional actors of their knowledge. The website is simple and contents are clear.
It is useful for both for the synthesis and the in depth analysis of the lectures as it offers good hints for practical experimentation in the lab and it provides exercises and tests.
It might also be used as tool to overcome student’s demotivation. I’ve tried this resource with one of my 10 grade class in which I teach chemistry, science and geography and I’ve noticed that students were particularly inerested, especially when I let them free to explore on their own. On-line exercises and tests are quite stimulating, since they induce students to be competitive and to self evaluate their work.