Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Relevant initiatives

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Title of Initiative / Project
Eco is echoing
Name of Organiser
Ceib Arteaga
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
LLP (Comenius Multilateral Partneship)
Title of the project
Project number
Type of deliverables
Didactical resource
Thematic area
Biology, ICT, Science , Other
Language of the deliverable
Other EU, Romanian, Spanish, English, Other non EU
Target Group
Description of the initiative
- The context
Knowledge and understanding of the nature can strengthen the will to protect natural resources, preserve biological diversity and contribute to sustainable development. Methodology will be based on personal research and students will have the chance to gain insight in scientific research methods through individual activities in the local environment: observation, analysis, making hypothesis, reaching conclusions, etc. Autonomous learning will be developed in the classroom for them to organize their research in the field and in class.,
The activities
Natural science won't be the only subject involved in the project. A list of activities have been designed to include as many subjects as possible: designing logos (arts), creating blogs (IT), making a glossary (National language/English), etc.
This partnership will help our students to develop many key competences such as: the communication competence in a foreign language (students will be in contact with other students via e-mail); the socio-cultural competence (students will learn about a different culture), the environmental competence (students will learn about ecosystems); the technological competence (students will use new technologies such as emails, power point presentations, digital encyclopedias, internet, etc.); learning-to-learn competence (scientific research methods: observation, analysis etc.. ).

- The aims
The aim of the association is for the students to learn about different Ecosystems in Europe focusing on threatened species, the parameters that alter them, what type of actions are being taken in the area to protect ecosystems and influences on humans. A common problem will be studied in 5 different socio-cultural contexts as well as in different geographical localizations (the mountain/Romania, the seaside/Spain, the forest/France, the bog/Estonia and the urban ecosystem/Turkey)
- The results achieved
A glossary with specific terms related to ecosystems in all the languages that take part in the project. The terms were taken from specific articles related to ecosystems. A basic catalogue with images and descriptions of some of the flora and fauna that live in the different ecosystems studied in the project: the river (Romania) the wetland (Spain) the bog (Estonia) the urban ecosystem (Turkey).
Each country of the partnership collected information about the history of their ecosystems (the river, the bog, the wetland and the city) so that students could learn about the changes that the ecosystem has gone through, causes and consequences.
More Information
This initiative promotes awareness of students about the environment through a research on ecosystems of their countries. Students gain knowledge about different ecosystems in Europe and develop key competencies for training. The activities are very motivating generally based on direct experience.
The issue of environmental protection is very current.
The project website presents the activities undertaken by countries. For each activity there is a brief description and several photos.
Teachers’ Opinion
I think this type of projects are very rewarding for a school. They are positive for the entire educational community and provide added value to participating centers.
The theme of the project is very interesting and activities are appropriate for each age group. It is very positive that there are activities for all levels of the center from the smallest to the largest have worked on a common project.
Students’ Opinion
I think it's very motivating for students. The theme of environmental protection is very suitable and close to their experience. When these conditions are met we get to involve students and to enhance their learning.

Comments on this Relevant initiatives

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Date: 2015.02.19

Posted by Jose Castillo (Spain)

The domain of the web page is lost.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.