Lifelong Learning Programme

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Title of Initiative / Project
Storytelling@Teaching Model (S@TM)
Name of Organiser
National and Kapodistrian UNiversity of Athens
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
LLP, Comenius
Title of the project
Storytelling@Teaching Model (S@TM); a contribution to science teachers professional development
National and Kapodistrian UNiversity of Athens
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Chemistry, Physics, Biology
Language of the deliverable
Polish, Other EU, English
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
To improve science education fundamentally, we propose that the academic tradition of primary and secondary science education be subordinated to a humanistic rendering of the science discipline as a means to engage the learners meaningfully. In this context, the inclusion of history of science plays a vital role. Some writers maintain that the humanizing and clarifying influence of history of science brings the science to life and enables the student to construct relationships that would have been impossible to be perceived through the traditional method of science teaching. Through such a teaching approach, students come to appreciate science as a value-laden activity, where objectivity, curiosity, pursuit of truth, intellectual honesty, humility, and commitment to human welfare are central.

As a cognitive tool, stories are embedded in culture and, therefore, can serve as a mediator between the children’s imagination and scientific endeavours. Fostering imagination in children contributes to the development of abstract thought and symbolic func-tion. Some writers argue that romantic understanding is a prerequisite to conceptual understanding, as it enables students, through their imagination, to experience curiosity, mystery, and even wonder. Furthermore, storytelling, itself, inextricably linked to imagination, contributes to the development of romantic understanding.
More Information
The project offers a wide range of resources to support a new pedagogical practice of story telling in science education. The resources start from how to apply the methodology: ; continue with e-course ; and then provide stories which teachers can directly use in their practice: The project even supports a wiki page with all the necessary terms science teachers might need explained in their stories:
Teachers’ Opinion
The idea of using story telling as pedagogical practice might not seem new, but in terms of science teaching it is. It is a very good idea, which can present the difficult and complex topics in an interesting and more effective way to attract student’s attention and improve their comprehension of science. It is a strong side of the project that on the one hand it gives teachers detailed explanation of the methodology and offers a course on it, but on the other hand it also gives the tools in terms of ready stories, which teachers can directly use in their practice.
Students’ Opinion
If science is taught in the form of story telling I strongly believe students will be much more interested in science and will understand much better all topics. When the lessons are presented as stories they are much more easily remembered and also stories give an idea of the broader application of science knowledge also in everyday life.

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Date: 2015.04.06

Posted by Angel Ivanov (Bulgaria)

I like the approach of story telling in science teaching. Would be very interesting to see if teachers can present the science subjects in this way. I think a lot of students will appreciate it and will start studying science with much greater pleasure.

Date: 2015.04.02

Posted by Daniela Yordanova (Bulgaria)

I liked the idea a lot. Yes indeed, if the knowledge intended to be taught during the lesson is transmitted in a more playful, interesting and mysterious way through stories, most if not all students would have listened to the teacher and they would have asked questions on the topic. I would suggest updating the site and adding more pictures (in color) that can capture attention and create understanding and creativity of readers.

Date: 2015.03.11

Posted by Milena Gosheva (Bulgaria)

Using tales or "storytelling" is an interesting pedagogical practice in the teaching of natural sciences. Complex and difficult topics can be presented in an interesting and captivating way. Students can perceive difficult to explain processes in an easy and affordable way.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.